Painter's Palette artwork (large file)


Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
Emi, I am not sure but it seems to me that this CD will get the most contradictory reviews for what it contains and for the cover art as well. But I tookme a while to become the one who enjoys the music, now I am trying to look "behind the picture". Why do I have so slow brain?!
well, if we do such kind of weird-complex-original-outcast-music, the cover artwork must be equally demanding in terms of attention, weirdness, meaning and impact. It's not an artwork conceived to catch the attention, it's an artwork to fit the concept album.

The cover artwork almost looks like a reverse print of your avatar ... which I know is a Ephel image also :)
shit! Lurch, you are discovering all our secrets.... in fact the ephel duath artwork is full of hidden and "subliminal" stuff... like the ED "mascotte", etc...

You gotta do better than that to have "hidden" stuff :) . Plus the picture on your avatar is also on the ED t-shirt whose image you e-mailed me.

Now the code compilation CD ... that was a masterpice in hidden messages ... i still do not know how to solve that ... hahahah

But I really like the Ephel "mascot". I am already recognizing it as the band "identity". I see you Euros are picking up some marketing tactics from us money hungry Yankees :)

Reminds me also of a figure as seen through a keyhole! Somthing big lurks behind the closed door.

Cannot wait to hear this release!
Lurch, stop now! you are reavealing all our secrets!!! ;) in fact the ED Mascot is full of meanings and symbols... our c666 compilation was a lot harder just because I worked on that damn hidden game for 4-5 months like a geek...
You know guy what?! Yesterday, after 15 beers I managed to see Emi & Lee in that picture!!!!
So i reveal one more secret!:lol:
hehehehehe, with another 10 beers you'll see even more :D

BTW Lee: do you think that Earache will print the booklet with "rough" paper like we suggested or they will do a standard glossy ?
Lee_B said:
I won't ask what you thought you saw us doing...


...went for buying another box (or two)...:lol:
Lee, do not be afraid if someone will knock in your door at 3-4 a.m. tomorrow! :lol:

:lol: Fucking russians! :lol:
Emi said:
hehehehehe, with another 10 beers you'll see even more :D

BTW Lee: do you think that Earache will print the booklet with "rough" paper like we suggested or they will do a standard glossy ?

Good job you mentioned this. I had totally forgot! It would be nice if at least the first 5000 copies were something a little different, eh?

yes, the B&W artwork is cheaper than a full colour one, so maybe they can do something special instead of a standard glossy booklet... let us know if you can obtain something.