Painting on Leather Jacket (Siqq as Fukk people only)


Mar 30, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Yeah, I'm looking to paint on my boss as fuck leather jacket some design. Either the Saint Vitus "V" or perhaps some Motorhead or equally awesome design. I was wondering if any of you fucks have any experience with this in terms of paint types, stencils, brushes, bitches that will do it for me that won't charge me half a grand, and any other advice.

Stay Thirsty and Miserable.
That's the one,might cost a bit but they look sick. I'd question the longevity of the paintwork itself though, how will it hold up to the vomit war that it must face.
I don't know. It depends on the paint and shit. It's not hard to find paint that will stick to leather exceptionally well. If I'm paying 300+ euros (fuck, I might) for the quality I'm seeing there it better last for years with free touch ups like a tattoo.
Yep, found that cocksucker tonight. Shit is SUPER FUCKING DOPE. Might have to contact him/her for it while I access my liquor money and force myself to spend that instead of drinking for a few nights (or weeks) straight.

This person, right?

Edit-->I'm also glad that only the siqq fukks that I asked for have responded so far.
That guy is fucking amazing at painting.

Regrettably I can't be of much help as paint is my least-used and least-adept medium. I can draw like a fucker but can barely paint to save my life. I painted the Soup Nazi in grade 10 once and that turned out okay though. Also a painting of the Two Scoops sun made to look like Jack Nicholson.
My dad has it somewhere at his place haha. I actually forgot I painted it until he brought it out one night in a drunken walk down memory lane, going "remember this".

When I visit over the next couple days I will try to snap a pic.
You should get some dude to do a mashup of your favorite musicians, instead of just paying complete homage to one band. Lemmy and Wino clacking beer mugs in a biker bar would be sweet.

But I like being as confusing to laymen as possible when I'm representing my interests because I'm truly siqq as fukk.
I think that more is less with this type of thing, so I think that getting the Saint Vitus "V" all by itself would be just fine.