Paladino's - 1/10/04 - Mr. Crowley Show

Keyser Soze

Anti-Social Socialist
May 28, 2002
at work....
I'm going to post this on The Metal Hall.

So I went to Paladino's last night to catch Mr. Crowley. I was really looking forward to it since the last time I saw them was 3 years ago, at the HOB in Hollyweird, opening for Wrathchild and the Hollywood Roses.
But, being my silly self, I arrived early and saw all the bands on the bill... I can tell ya, Mr. Crowley made the wait worth it, but boy was it torturous...
First band was Hillisbillys.... yes, you read correctly... Hillisbillys... two fat guys and a girl playing Hillbilly themed metal songs... complete with moonshine bottles, pigs and cows.
The next band on the bill was Secret Affair... another trio. TOTAL CRAP! Spinal Tap has better lyrics. They had song titles like "Do The Nasty" and "Strut"... very deep stuff... oh yes (if it was humorous, it was totally lost on me)... The singer sounded like Courtney Love after a sex change and hormone therapy.
Up next was the crappiest of the bunch and the band that made the Mr Crowley set at least 5 songs shorter because they started, for no reason whatsoever, 20 minutes late, Jackie Load. These yahoos were dressed in movers outfits and wearing some silly shriner hats, while the singer was wearing a pimp hat and a feathered boa. Musically, their talent did not match their outrageous look... maybe on the stupidity front, but not on the entertainment front. The Hillbillys were more entertaining than these guys, in a trainwreck witness sort of way.
The next band up was Blackout, a tribute to the Scorpions. One thing I must say upfront... I HATE THE SCORPIONS... so these guys did not have my sympathy. Bill from Mr. Crowley and Creeping Death and I were watching these guys and at some points we both burst out laughing. When they started with the guitar dancing choreography (or whatever you want to call that), I couldn't contain myself any longer... Bill promised no dancing from Mr. Crowley... GOOD!
Finally, after waiting through 5 insufferable acts, Mr. Crowley hits the stage. Like I said before, the last time I'd seen Mr. Crowley was some 3 years ago. I was totally blown away at that time, and they were awesome this time around as well. They were debuting a new drummer, and he faired pretty well, in my opinion. They played classics from Sabbath, Randy Rhoads era and even a great version of Gets Me Through, from the Ozzman's last studio record. But since Jackie Load thought that they could start whenever they wanted, the fans were cheated out of at least 4 or 5 Ozz songs delivered by Mr. Crowley. I'm definitely catching these guys again.
Keyser Soze said:
But since Jackie Load thought that they could start whenever they wanted, the fans were cheated out of at least 4 or 5 Ozz songs delivered by Mr. Crowley. I'm definitely catching these guys again.
See, there is a way that clubs can get this kind of thing stopped. If a band runs late...too fucking bad!That is part of your set time! If you can't make it on time, you lose your time onstage. There's no reason for the other bands or the payees (the audience) to have to suffer on account of a group of jackasses that can't get their shit together.


I once went to a KROQ Weenie Roast concert (Kiss was on the bill doing their first show in makeup in case you're wondering why I was there) where the Fugees was one of the bands that was scheduled to play. Well, the band showed up 20 minutes late for their set. They did one song and then the revolving stage turned around for the next band, Lush. This was written about the next day with complaints from the Fugees that their set was cut short because they were late. Conveniently, KROQ stopped playing their single and they disappeared into obscurity. :Smug:
I like that rule! Most bookers don't really have any clue to the concept of OVERBOOKING TALENT!!!!!!!! They just think if they can jam 6 or 7 bands in one any given night they may make a couple bucks at the door, not that pissed off paying customers matter any. They only end up pissing the people off who are there for the headlining act as they are the ones who usually get the shit end of the stick by getting cut off. Grrrr.
Hence the reason why I don't go to clubs. :mad: Besides, 99% of the time, the bands that are on the bill that aren't drawing in the first place just suck donkey balls.