PAN THY MONIUM questions


Dec 9, 2001
Miramichi, NB
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After years of avoiding them like the Plague, I finally went out and bought the new re-editions of Dawn Of Dreams and Khaooohs put out by Osmose, and I am stupified. They are one of the greatest death metal bands I have ever heard! Anyhow, since so little is said/known about this mysterious project, maybe someone could answer a couple questions I have:

1. Who does the higher pitched vocals? Is it Robert Karlsson?

2. Does Dag (a.k.a Aag, a.k.a Tom Nouga, etc.) play the rhythm guitars on both albums in addition to the lead guitars/sax? It would really help if Dag himself could answer these questions.

3. Were both albums recorded at Unisound?

BTW, if any of you don't have these albums in your collection, definitely pick up this new package by Osmose!
This re-release is interesting. First time i ( and Dan ) knew about it was when we signed one in Atlanta !
Anyway i´m glad they´re aviable at last.
You´r questions

1. I´m not 100 & sure who sings the "highpitched" vocals
i haven´t heard the albums for years but if it´s not Robban then it´s Dan
2. I didn´t play any rythmguitar exept for the title track "Khaooos"
Robban did all the rythmtracks ( maybe some occasional work from Dan )
3. The are both recorded in Unisound
Cool! Thanks Dag, or Tom, or whatever you prefer to be called!:D
I take it from parts of your answers that you must have just stepped in and performed your parts and left it at that, huh? You must not have been involved in the writing, rehearsing, etc?

Yeah, the re-release kinda caught me out of nowhere as well. Apparently there is one out for the third album as well, which I ought to be tracking down sometime soon...
You´re right !
I don´t think i ever played anything twice on any PTM track.
And my stuff was always put on afterwards
I forgot: there are two Robban in PTM. Robban Ivarsson plays the guitar
Originally posted by TerPsyChore
Hey, interesting... I have allways been convinced that PTM was only composed of you and Dan... Who are the other ones appearing in these recordings ?

Hey, I believe I can answer this one! Gathered from bits and pieces I've picked up here and there, I believe the PTM line-up to have been as follows:

Robban Karlsson: vocals
Dan Swano: bass/keys
Robban Ivarsson: rhythm guitars
Dag Swano: lead guitars/sax
Benny Larsson: drums
Hey Dag,
as far as I know you and Dan have an older brother, right? Is he also a musican? And if he is, in which band(s) he's playing?
Do you live from the music, or do you have a regular job besides?
Thanks in advance.

Doucheman has the answer.
That´s the lineup. As i said i had very little to do with PTM.
More credits should go to the other guys. Many of the lyrics on "Khaoooos" is from my Swedish songs with lyrics by Dr.Dark


Our elder brother is not a musican but he´s a discjokey ( not a techon-style typ ) He played very simple basslines in our "familyband" Fordz. He was deep into the hardrock scen of the -70 and bought lods of records of obscure bands. He was ( is ? ) a great influence on me and i influenced Dan ( he´s 16 years older than Dan ) Without him i don´ t think Dan and I would be playing music

I´m un-employed ( my wife has a good job :)but i make some good money playing covers ( with N.G bassplayer Erik )
I used to be a ( sort of ) musicteacher. It´s great: i got time for my music
Originally posted by Unicorn
Hey Dag,
as far as I know you and Dan have an older brother, right? Is he also a musican? And if he is, in which band(s) he's playing?
Do you live from the music, or do you have a regular job besides?
Thanks in advance.


This is too much: I wanted to ask him the same two questions! Dag, I can defintely understand what you are saying about living the life you are living, good for you! ;)
I can read your thoughts, you know? ;)

I have this joke for you.
What's a musician without a girlfriend/wife ?




Homeless. :)

I think it's not bad to play in a coverband. As you said i gives good money and I think you
can have fun with this, too.

Aha, your brother brought to into this weird and obscure music. Thanks for that info.
Originally posted by Doucheman
Cool! Thanks Dag, or Tom, or whatever you prefer to be called!:D
I take it from parts of your answers that you must have just stepped in and performed your parts and left it at that, huh? You must not have been involved in the writing, rehearsing, etc?

Yeah, the re-release kinda caught me out of nowhere as well. Apparently there is one out for the third album as well, which I ought to be tracking down sometime soon...

If you liked those two PTM cd's you're gonna LOVE the third, Kahoos and Konfusion, easily the best even tho there are only 3 songs on it and one is ambient. The other two are like 10 mins or more a piece I believe and they are the two best PTM pieces IMAO. <Grin>

@Dag It's interesting reading your posts in here, how is it Sweden makes it not such a hardship to be unemployed? I've never left the US, would like to get out at some point when I can afford to!
Well. here in Sweden ( as well as i some other E.U countrys )
You have an "unemployment insurance" that´s pretty good.
I´ll get $700 a months after the taxes have been paid and it´s ok. But, as i said earlier, i play covers from time to time and that give me some good "black money" ( Hello Taxman ! ). Of course it helps having a wife with a good job ( income )