

Jun 5, 2002
Omsk, Russia
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Hi metalfans !
Question on Pan.Thy.Monium.
Does anybody know something about new album.
In one interview Dan Swano said something like "Guys did P.T.M album without me and I decided to do KaRaBoUdjaN album myself to show them..."
If it's true when was P.T.M album released and how it called.:confused:
Hmm....I haven't heard anything like that. I thought Dan did the whole thing himself and the "band" was just something made up. Are you sure Dan said that? Where did you read that?

I sure do miss Pan Thy Monium. Karaboudjan is good for what it is but is not a replacement, it's very different. All the PTM cd's were great and progressivly got better. The most recent with three longer songs was totally bombass.
Metal88: Pan-Thy wasn't just Dan. I believe both Benny and Robban from EoS were in the band, as well as Dag (who contributed saxophone every now and then). I may be wrong about members exactly, but I know it wasn't just Dan.
to wardwarf:
The real line up of P-T-M is:
Winter (Benny Larsson) - Drums, Cymbals & Percussion
Day DiSiraah (Dan Swano) - Lead & Rhythm Bass, Keyboards & Effects
Mourning ( don't sure but it may be Blackheim)- Rhythm Guitars
Derelict (Robban Karlsson)- Lead & Rhythm Voices
Aag (Dag Swano) - Lead Guitars, Soprano Saxophone & Noises
Ah yeah, I remember now that EOS members were in Pan Thy Monium with Dan. I said the "band was made up" b/c the names were made up (Day dissarah, etc)


The Karaboudjan cd is available, (just 3 songs, not full length) on two different labels I think. Dan's Spam as well as another. See Dan's page for details.
Hey Metal88, how does Karaboudjan sound like ? Describe it please. And what length of album?

And your right, PTM really kicks ass, espessialy "Dream II". :headbang:
Dan's bassguitar work is something wierd, I've never heard something like this before. :loco:
The Karaboudjan CD is something around 20 minutes long.. It is really similar to Pan-Thy-Monium except there are no vocals and I think perhaps it is even a bit weirder than Pan-Thy. If you love PTM, you've gotta have Karaboudjan.
Yeah. Karaboudjan is worth getting for sure, though I wouldn't say it's a "must own" a most other Dan cd's are only b/c it is so short. The second track is easily the best, very majestic sounding. The music is SIMILAR to PTM as Wardwarf told you, but it has it's own unique sound about it as well. I guess the similarity mainly lies in the rythem guitars. They have that same PTM sound. Dan said at one point that he was going to do a full length cd, hopefully this happens.....or better yet, bring back Pan Thy Monium! ;)
The Karaboudjan cd blew me away. That section where the steel drums come in is pure brilliance! In fact, a whole bunch of us (at school) used to sit in front of our house blasting the cd over and over again.

I can't wait for a full-length. Will it be happening for sure?

another PTM album would be great thing, but I think Dan will return to death metal not very soon. Maybe new BLOODBATH will ispire him on brutal muzic. Can't wait for new BLOODBATH !!

NP-Hypocrisy - To escape is to die
Yeah, speaking of Bloodbath, when is this new one coming out?

Hopefully Bloodbath will reawaken Dan's death metal genius and come out with another Pan Thy Monium. Of course, he would need to convince the other guys.
All Good questions. I agree, PTM is extremely weird. I own three PTM CD's, Dream II is in the mail right now(just never got around to getting that one), but I have had the other three for some time now. I did own the Karaboudjan CD, and did not like it (sorry, Dan). My frequent flyer miles just have not reached that far yet.

To be honest, not many people rave about PTM. It's not like it sells much. THey only made 2000 copies of the re-issues of the first two albums, and you can still get them off the web, so it's not like everyone knows about PTM.

I was interested in John Zorn at one time(didn't like it though), and I heard that if you like Joh Zorn, you need to check out PTM. So I did, and hear I am. Swano's presence was a bonus. And yes I do like the music.

What is your take on PTM?
Dan is the sole reason for my checking out of PTM. I loved his Nightingale and EOS stuff so much I bought "Kahoos and Konfusion" knowing NOTHING about it except that Dan was associated with it. You can imagine my initial reaction. Hehe. It did not take long at all for me to love that cd though and I found and bought the rest of the PTM cd's, though the final cd is the best with "The battle of Geeheeb" "Thee Pherenth" and "Behiral" I know I screwed up spellings there......

Karaboudjan is very good, this "steel drum" song people keep mentioning is the second track on the cd that I mentioned way up there...... The other 2 songs on the cd are not as good as this, but very similar and still great.
Originally posted by Light
What I don't understand about all this is that Pan.thy.monium is WEIRD shit. So is Karaboudjan. Now, I like weird shit - I collect it, actually - but 'normal people' normally run a mile from it. Is it because it's by Dan Swanö that you all rave about it? Or is it just because it's heavy? Or?

I like Dan Swanö because of the music he makes.

I do not like the music because it was made by Dan Swanö.

If we were that sycophantic, we'd all be proclaiming Unorthodox as the greatest Edge of Sanity album, now wouldn't we?
Well......obviously if Dan made something that sounded like shit, I wouldn't listen to it. However, I just described a rather impossible situation, did I not? Hehehe.
To Light, in reference to your question about liking Pan-Thy just because it involves Dan:

Pan-Thy-Monium is the group that got me into Swano! I heard Dawn of Dreams when it first came out and completely loved it. From there I got into Edge of Sanity and then all of the other wonderful "Swanostuff."

I love the weirdness of Pan-Thy-Monium, I love the heaviness of Pan-Thy-Monium, and I love the MUSIC of Pan-Thy-Monium. One of my favorite bands of all time, hands down!

I must admit, though, that I might not like Subway Mirror at all if Dan weren't involved. It's the only thing Dan's ever done (and I have everything aside from Wounded Knee and Dag stuff) that I don't absolutely love. I think it's OK, but maybe after more listens I'll enjoy it more. Who knows?