Pancake Nipples

Ahh, my only moment of glory was uploading that video. And the arguement that ensues inside my videos comments.

<tomassetti13, obviously :D
the vid was hilarious...but how the fucking hell did it turn into an argument?
I remember when that Youtube vid only had 4 comments or so.
I swear me and my friends will be yelling "pancake nipples" next time I go to a gig of theirs... this Pancake Nipple thing is like a meme :)
gah i was trying to get a good laugh at the somments but there not in fuckin order...the mans obviously a troll so why do people even try to make comebacks its only helping him.
I remember when that Youtube vid only had 4 comments or so.
I swear me and my friends will be yelling "pancake nipples" next time I go to a gig of theirs... this Pancake Nipple thing is like a meme :)
If I hear someone yell "Pancake Nipples" next time they're in Hof Ter Loo, I'll know it was you - and when you hear someone yell "Pancake Nipples" back, you'll know it was me :D
I remember when that Youtube vid only had 4 comments or so.
I swear me and my friends will be yelling "pancake nipples" next time I go to a gig of theirs... this Pancake Nipple thing is like a meme :)

If you mean in the Dawkins style, then h'e probably be pretty miltant that you're using it for pancake nipples! :lol: