Panchrysia: New Album Soon + New Shirts


New Metal Member
Dec 15, 2003
Well, the mastered version of our recordings have arrived. We'll publish a sample song within the next couple of days. Music recorded at Dungeon Studios (Serge Impens, Iconoclasm) and Endarker Studios (Magnus 'Devo' Andersson, Marduk).

"Hell hath no limits": new shirts are in!
New shirts have been printed. Mailto and order your copy or just buy one at our next shows.
3 sizes (m, l, xl) - 12 euro/piece.

We're always on the search for gigs, contact

Visit the site or the myspace fucker for info on gigs etc. (feel free to add yourself!!)

Panchrysia signed by Dark Essence Records:
After having received massive feedback on our latest recordings, we are extremely honoured to work together with Norwegian based 'Dark Essence Records' (home of Taake, Aeturnus, Helheim, Hades Almighty and many other high quality bands) for the release of our next album.

'Deathcult Salvation' will be released somewhere early 2008. We'll keep you posted about tracklist, coverart and preview samples within the next few weeks.

Hell Hath No Limits: hoodies, girlies & shirts:
Merchandise stock has been expanded with hoodies (M - L - XL) and girlies (S-M-L).
Order yours through

Price list:
Hoodie: 30 euro
Girlie: 15 euro
Shirt: 15 euro

New live blood:
At Meetjesland MetalFest, Panchrysia introduces some new live blood. The ranks are strenghtened by 6-string picker Arathemoth (Aguynguerran/Blood-ravyn). Arathemoth has proven himself to be a splendid apprentice last couple of weeks and will thus be rewarded by a live spot on the Panchrysia-bühne. He'll take the Zahrim-riffing for his account.

Hereby, an overview of our forthcoming gigs:

29-09-2007 JH - Kasterlee
06-10-2007 Baroeg - Rotterdam
19-10-2007 Biebob - Vosselaar
27-10-2007 Doenderfest - Hoeilaart
10-11-2007 CPCR - Luik
24-11-2008 Mudslut Metalfest - Wuustwezel
01-12-2007 Arnhem Metal Meeting - Arnhem
01-12-2007 Phoenix - Westerlo
16-02-2008 OstendFest - Oostende
12-04-2008 Sommation Metalfest - La Louvière