Pantera:kings of metal? AHhaHAAHA

pantera are nothing special, every body down here gets on their bandwagon because they are (supposedly) pot smoking, whisky drinking southern "rebels"..and are thus worshipped by all the drones who want to be cool like pantera. All their songs sound similar, and they have NO melody. THis is good sometimes, but compared to Bodom...well, there really is o comparison--Bodom destroy all.
It's a shame my peronal online radio station setup shit itself. I was going to celebrate any and all new Pantera releases by playing the albums they made when they looked like that pic up above with some appropriate corresponding tunes like "Raining Men" by the weather girls
I like Pantera... And again you guys are criticizing other people for bands they like. Why does it matter? I jump around a lot, like I like Linkin Park, Deicide, Einherjer, Children of Bodom, In Flames, Ozzy, Mortician, Fuel, Pantera, Orgy, Savatage, Dream Theater, Cradle of Filth, Smashing Pumpkins, and lots more. I also like orchrestrated music. It's very relaxing. I get made fun of everyday at school, and it makes me very unhappy. I don't care if you still do it, but don't tell the person that the band sucks if you don't like it. Just say, "Yeah, I'm not really into them, but that's cool that you are." Just be nice to people, and don't care if they like something you don't or hate something you like. The only way I want you to be mean, is if they are mean first. But for now, I just want to keep the peace, if anyone disagrees, let me know. I don't care if you do, it's perfectly fine... Just keep going ahead with people and tell them that the band sucks, or whatever it is that you think sucks.
I'm just not seeing some sort of a personal attack in this thread. Yeah, there's Pantera mockery and questioning of their place in the metal scene... but it's not directed at showing how any one specific person is signalled out as being stupid for liking the band. In fact, most of the commentary does not remain vaguely on topic...
Vanilla Ice :lol: AH YOU SUCK VANILLA ICE SUCKS, YOUR MUSIC SUCKS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :D (some light sarcasm although, come on, Vanilla Ice is terrible, terrible music that should be burned)

I agree, not seein many direct attacks on Pantera, I think it was just funny that they had that glam rock look :lol: classic.
Hey, Vanilla Ice does not suck... he BLOWS. Funny thing with him is that he's actually no worse than a fair amount of pop music on the radio these days. About all that renders him terrible as opposed to "really cool" is his commercial irrelevance. It's something of a reminder why I put forth all that extra effort with the mailordering ;)

Pantera and some of their fans deny the glam thing from time to time. The band used to at least threaten to beat people for mentioning it. When one of their followers told me how badass they were, I gave em a copy of power metal and I think we went from weekly chats to seeing one another once a year.
Originally posted by Dark Pisco
someone was saying once and again that this wimps were the kings of metal maybe he meant the kings of glam metal
Hey man that was about 12 years ago. They stopped the glam thing. Now they are one of the few bands that really play what they want and ignore trends.