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Cuntaminated Cock Monkey
Aug 15, 2004
Lacertine Forest
I was wondering what everyones thoughts were on this band, personally i think they are fucking magnificent. But it seems that there is this universally agreed hate placed upon them. If you hate them, why? same goes if you love em.
I don't mind Cowboys from Hell and Vulgar Display of Power. I didn't find Far Beyond Driven up to par except for a few songs. They changed to a more experimental "heavy" sound, gone was the happy-esque groove which I enjoyed. THeir other albums weren't that great. And I haven't heard their "glam metal" era.
i like them. i dont' really like Reinventing The Steel too much, but other than that they put out good shit. Power Metal and Vulgar are probably my favorite albums by them.
i reckon Trendkill would be there best vocally. dunno why but Phil's vox just slaughter on that album. for riffs it'd probably be Cowboys, drums would be Trendkill aswell. But they're all so goddamn good its hard to pick.
only in that they wrote music that people, no matter what genre of music they primarily enjoyed. everyone can appreciate Pantera. and no matter what you say, THEY arent mallcore so i dont care what they spawned.
I agree with most people... they have very little content worthwhile, and a majority of that is on Coyboys. I think their massive profile is absolutly rediculous too.
I've always liked Pantera...i like all their cds, although 'Cowboys From Hell' and 'Vulgar Display Of Power' are by far their best in my opinion. Dimebag is a riff master. From what i've heard about Phil Anselmo he's now constantly off his head on smack, and there was even a rumour about him being a racist, after apparently mouthing 'white power' to a load of skinheads at a 'Superjoint...' show, if thats all true then its a real shame, ah well.
I like em. Their albums do have a lot of filler songs, but songs like "Cemetary Gates", "Mouth For War" and "Hollow" cant be denied. And of course, Cowboys and Vulgar are 500 times better than the rest of the material.
I don't care if anybody doubts their radness, they are the best fuckin band ever. And also, how did Sepultura spawn mallcore? Especially their older stuff. Their pre-Roots stuff owns.
If you don't think Roots was mallcore you deserve 600 haemorrages.

"Power Metal" is an awesome album, so is Cowboys From Hell. That's about it.
I can tolerate scant few songs off Cowboys.. and Vulgar.., but everything after is just dross for easily-impressed kids.

Pantera will never shake the "jock-rock" tag that haunts them, either.

Phil is a twat.
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