Pantommind Fans?

They are an amazing melodic prog metal band hailing from Bulgaria. For a Bulgarian release, it has got a killer production and their singer reminds me of Roy Khan, as his range is godly. Musically, there are some Vanden Plas vocal harmonies going on, mixed with later period Psychotic Waltz and 90's Fates Warning, IMO.

I reviewed it a while back. Click for my detailed review.

NP: Nightingale - Nightfall Overture
Great band; Shade of Fate was a big surprise. Ken Golden seems to have a knack for finding these obscure prog metal bands. I completely agree with the above posts. They would be a great opener for PP!!!
I would LOVE to see them play ProgPower. Not only a killer band, but killer guys as well. I met Drago (drummer) online through total chance, and am beyond ecstatic about that having happened. "Shade of Fate" is an incredible album that covers and conveys a very wide range of emotions. They are influenced by Fates Warning and Psychotic Waltz, just to name 2. Their website.

I'm beyond excited and honored to be working with them on their next release. From the small clips I've heard, it is going to be even better than SoF.
This is an awesome post that totally deserves a "bump."

I can only assume that they are a candidate for a 1st or 2nd slot...

...and a totally welcome addition to the PPUSA roster, I'm sure...

Rock on!
Pantommind would be an excellent band for ProgPower. I made that suggestion to the label owner / festival sponsor this year. He told me that it wasn't likely. Given the current conditions of our police state (my words - not his), young single mostly unemployed males from eastern European countries have a difficult time getting visas to the USA without major political connections. This was the difficulty faced by Riverside in attempting to come over to play Nearfest.

Sad and true, Joe. I do know that they really, really, REALLY would love to be a part of the festival, though. I get the impression they would do whatever it takes to make it over here. And remember, Orphaned Land was able to make it happen. :)
I just heard these guys for the first time on Progpalaceradio. Wow! I was very impressed. But that's too bad they are having trouble making it to the states, especially since it sounds like they want to come.
The Pantommind music is emotional and technical and I was left speechless after the 50 minutes of pure enjoyment in their second album "Shade Of Fate".Unfortunately their first demo-album never got out of the country.The sound can easily be described as early Fates Warning/Vanden Plas.With so many dissapointments this year it's nice to see a new band making great prog metal.The upcoming release should be great too(thanks for the info,13ShadesofGray) if it's anything like the two previous albums.Glen have to check these guys out.