Paper Tiger meaning


New Metal Member
Nov 7, 2016
Hello! I'm wondering about the meaning of Paper Tiger on Ghost Ship. Specifically, I'm trying to figure out what is meant by the line "selling false persecution, rage and de-evolution." My first thought was that they are saying that Christian's demonizing evolution is bad, another paper tiger like the other things mentioned in the song. This was a little disappointing to me as I don't believe in evolution. So I'm hoping I'm wrong that this lyric is possibly in support of evolution. Anybody else have an opinion on what this means, or does the band ever chime in on stuff like this. Thanks!
From the horses ... err ... Matt's mouth:
“Paper Tiger”: It’s funny — I started this “positive and encouraging” album with probably the most lyrically harsh Theocracy song yet. But it was a subject that was on my mind a lot, and, when that happens, I usually have to write about it. It’s about this trend here in the United States, tied in with politics, where religious people like to talk about how persecuted we are and pretend that everyone is out to get us. The President will say something or a random law will be passed, and people will go crazy and act like we’re being fed to lions.

Meanwhile, we have complete freedom to worship and believe, while in other countries across the world people are being beheaded for being believers. We have it so good and so easy compared to countries with real persecution, and yet we like to pretend we’re somehow oppressed. It’s so narcissistic and almost blasphemous, and it really bothers me. We should be on our knees every day thanking God for our freedoms. I hate politics, so I didn’t want to write it, but I felt like I needed to. Since As the World Bleeds started with a big epic in “I AM,” I loved the idea of starting this album with a short and energetic song. No long intro, just straight in and go.
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Agreed. Thanks for the link!

It's just too bad that Matt is wrong about what this song is really about. ;) I mean, how would he know? :rofl::lol::thumbsup: