Paradise Lost Samples

They weren't kidding about a heavier sound, were they? While the shit sounds pretty awesome for a metal band, that's not why I like Symphony X. This doesn't seem like an album for fans of songs like Communion and the Oracle and Through the Looking Glass.

I agree
I think it is a sad thing that we get not only a tracklisting but also a small sample of each one before the band even actually posts us an update.

Anyway, this album from at least what I heard of all the samples is just another "Odyssey". This is what I feared yet it may not yet be since these are just small samples. I am hoping there is much more to these songs than the heavy simple guitar sounds. There were a couple that seemed promising just from the samples but others that I hope are longer and more fleshed out than they seemed. Waiting almost 5 years for a new album from my favorite band tends to make me expect so much more. There are not track times but I hope most of these songs are quite long seeing that there are only 10 of them, this is another things that reminds me of "Odyssey". Also if the first song is just a short instrumental intro song like it sounds like it is that is really only 9 tracks. I was hoping the new album would have at least 12 tracks.

I am not trying to be negative its just that waiting almost 5 years has let me envision this album being so many things. I am not saying the music is not good quality its just that it sounds too simple to be SyX to me. I am of course still buying this album its just that I am hoping (and I think this may be the case) these samples are not doing the album much justice as far as complexity. I understand that SyX does not want to paint all their music with neoclassical guitars but I expect there to at least be a few touches or solos in there in the end.

Anyway, being as this was just discovered tonight I expect this thread to be booming by late morning tomorrow. I hope to see if anyone feels the same way about this as I.
I have to agree with the comments thus far. When I tell people about Symphony X, I say that I like the sound of a guitar through an amp, but that usually a band will just rely on that cool metal sound, making the music witless noise. I would then point out that SX's guitarist keeps things interesting and complex, they have a classically trained keyboardist, and a vocalist with an absolutely beautiful voice. This is usually enough to intrigue somebody, but gauging from what I've heard thus far, I wouldn't direct a newbie towards Paradise Lost.

Pretty amazing metal, but I think Symphony X are the only ones who can make music like Communion and the Oracle, so I hope theres some more majestic sounding stuff than the samples indicate. In the meantime, please pardon the negativity, but I'm a bit disheartened.
Well it may be for the better if it is as I hope and these samples do no justice for these tracks. Unless The Odyssey is like your absolute favorite SyX album....
i listened to them, honestly didn't like what i was hearing that much... ALL RIFF and lacking the inspired melody both in the composition and in the vocals.

edit: srry "didn't like" was the wrong choice of words, i just think it sounded... less inspired, not bad though.
I have to agree with the comments thus far. When I tell people about Symphony X, I say that I like the sound of a guitar through an amp, but that usually a band will just rely on that cool metal sound, making the music witless noise. I would then point out that SX's guitarist keeps things interesting and complex, they have a classically trained keyboardist, and a vocalist with an absolutely beautiful voice. This is usually enough to intrigue somebody, but gauging from what I've heard thus far, I wouldn't direct a newbie towards Paradise Lost.

Pretty amazing metal, but I think Symphony X are the only ones who can make music like Communion and the Oracle, so I hope theres some more majestic sounding stuff than the samples indicate. In the meantime, please pardon the negativity, but I'm a bit disheartened.

If you read in the Odyessy you will get that MR uses different scales to implicate different emotions, I don't truely think the guitar is heavier maybe just slightly drier than the last 2 albums. The aim here was obviously to darken the scales, and the keyboardist has also boosted that tone in these samples. Though minus the usual scales and what not, it sounds like MR has been listen to Jeff Loomis a bit or something to that effect on a riff or 2 there. I like what I hear and I am looking forward to it.
I think the samples are quite cool, even though Odyssey wasn't my favorite album at all.

They're not as mind blasting as Odyssey was at times - and that is a good thing IMHO.

To me it sounds like many samples are cut right before a new part of the song (a bridge, the chorus, etc.) is about to start, so the samples are really only appetizers.

It's like they gave us just the 1st verse of some songs like Sea of Lies or Out of the Ashes without any bridge or chorus or intermediate parts whatsoever, but it's small wonder considering that the snippets are quite short.
They CANNOT do justice to the songs.

And maybe it's just my speakers over here, but there are some keyboard parts on the heavier songs that I can almost hear, but they're so quiet and in the background that I cannot be really sure about that...I hope it's just my speakers and not the final mix of the songs....would be a pity to have the keyboards all drowned out, since they are so important for the melodies and harmonies.
judging by the "samples" - I think this one is 'going to be' quite different from the odyssey. however it 'seems', from the "samples" that russ' voice is alot grittier on this one, not as many of his soaring clean moments that he had on other albums, not a good thing because i LOVE that style over the grittier style. Not to worry though. Also, from the "samples" it 'seems' that there aren't as many outstanding guitar moments as other albums, but its still 'going to be' cool as all hell!!
those samples are all wank, you dont get any idea of the context or anything. the production sounds sexy though. yumyumyum. yum yum. I love the way one of the samples had that ascending scalic guitar riff that features in like every symph x song as well lol judging by those samples i dont think this is going to be my favourite album by a long shot they all sound a bit mediocre in terms of metal, and not symphx enough to be symph x