paradise lost


Dec 21, 2007
Hey, I wanna start listening to some new stuff and I heard paradise lost is a pretty good band. Can you suggest a good album from them that I could buy?
Thanks and Peace:cool:
Well, Gothic is usually considered their masterpiece. It is definitely a landmark of death doom. Their later albums are much less metal and more gothic-depressed type stuff. Personally I like their middle period where they were sort of caught in between both styles - still metal but in a down-tempo sort of way with clean vocals. I remember really enjoying Draconian Times...

gothic,s/t,draconian times,in requiem,icon, first album is great also if you like raw eerie creepy Doom/Death.
Draconian Times is one of the best dark metal albums ever.

From their earlier stuff, Gothis is essential. Nothing post-One Seconds has impressed me. They kinda lost me with Host, the largely electronic album.