Paramore cover, Listen?

Sounds a bit too much ''metal'' but it's pretty clear, I'd like to hear some vocals in there.
Thanks man I appreciate it! Yeah I'm not a rock guru, most time I work with metal bands and music so this was a little new for me!
Despite that though I think it came out all right.
i like the mix, but one thing that really annoyed me was you got the lead in the beginning wrong by one note. for the last bar you play 11 on the B string. it's hard to describe but i just thought i'd let you know.
I found myself singing alot to this...haha. only thing that bugged me about this was that the whole mix seemed overcompressed to me, the snare seemed a tad hollow. I did like the guitars and kick though. What are you using for guitars?
Thanks for all the feed back guys I really appreciate it!

Yeah Scott you are right, too much gain, but I recorded this with out splitting the track and recording a clean D.I. as I was in a hurry to get this done so I can't re amp... I am also way to lazy to re record. Perfectly good advice though. I'm still trying to figure out POD farm and what sounds good in this stupid amp sim. If any one has any tips on POD farm please don't hesitate to tell me!

Alec 16, I realized this listening to it last night... haha and I feel like a moron. I listened to the song like 3 times and sorta just based everything I did off that. Guess that's what I get for rushing... but thank you for letting me know I will probably re do the riff today if I have time!

Spencer Logan, I put a limiter on the master bus and I made it so the limiter barely touched the mix, it was more of a way to make sure I didn't get any peaks and to make it sound a little more saturated. I barely compress stuff in my mixes other than snare and toms. This mix may just be to cluttered... idk but I sorta see what you are saying.
any tips?
Btw I'm using podfarm, Cali Diamond plate with Tread Plate cab and Tube Screamer pedal and some EQ before EQing it a little more in my DAW. I put some limiters on the guitars in the mix so it sounded a little more aggressive. The leads are done with the Bogner head in POD.
If there's not much compression or limiting going on its just frequency fighting in my opinion, but really only between the guitar kick and snare. Still, I would double check that limiter. I recommend using a IK Multimedia limiter.
I'll figure all that out later Spencer when I get more ears on this, thank you so much for the advice though! The more people offering insight the better...
I was wondering any one had any good tips for the kick drum and getting the kick in your chest kinda feel.