Pathfinder - Beyond the Space Beyond the Time

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
These Poles have finally released their debut album and it is truly bloody amazing. If you like Dragonforce mixed with Rhapsody then you will adore this release of that there is little doubt. The centre piece and mighty epic title track is below. Really I am huge fan of Luca and co but Rhapsody has nothing to match this on their comeback album. Nothing I tell you! I also hear some Lost Horizon in their sound enhancing my love even more. This album is one of THE monumental debuts in symphonic power metal. If this was released 10 or so years ago when this sort of thing was still fresh these guys would have been as big if not bigger than Rhapsody are now or where a few years ago. I can't even imagine what the follow up album can bring as the debut sounds like a band 5 or 6 albums into their career already. Buy or Die if you like the style, believe me you will be blown over! Other songs are also on youtube but this 10 minute epic doesn't make you a fan then nothing will.

Yes, absolutely amazing stuff!!

About a year ago I heard their demo-EP 'The Beginning'. It contained the song 'The Whisper of Ancient Rocks' and I was blown away by that song ('Sons of Immortal Fire' was a great song too, by the way).
I e-mailed a friend about it and wrote something like "if you want to listen to a combination of Rhapsody and Dragonforce, here's the song".
I've been following these guys ever since and really was hoping that a major company could bring out their debutalbum.
A European date has not been announced yet (it is already released in Japan though) but I can't wait till the day I have an actual copy in my hands. This has got to be one of the best debutalbums ever made - you're right, Fire breath, the new Rhapsody has got nothing on Pathfinder's album!

In the last couple of weeks I've been listening to a site that streamed the songs from "Beyond....". After hearing the songs a lot I definitely recognized the Lost Horizon-connection as well. Szymon definitely has a 'Daniel-vibe' in some of the songs (about a week ago I made a thread about it in the Lost Horizon forum).

I hope these guys can become really big.
I can't even imagine what the follow up album can bring as the debut sounds like a band 5 or 6 albums into their career already.

Let's enjoy this one first, but you're right, this band could become very special indeed!
Agreed 100%.
This band has the chops to play with the best of them, and their songwriting is VERY strong for a "newcomer". There's a lot of early Rhapsody, some Dragonforce, some Symphony X and some Kamelot in their music. Extremely well-done. The entire album kicks ass.
Sometimes it sounds like I'm listening to a mashup, or two songs being played at once. Strange listen. Kind of cool though. Singer is a tad weak at times, but good enough.
Cheiron, it could be (I repeat, could be...) that you didn't like the tone of the guest-singer's voice in this song (Roberto Tiranti from Labyrinth - normally a good singer but here he sings too high in my opinion).
Cheiron, it could be (I repeat, could be...) that you didn't like the tone of the guest-singer's voice in this song (Roberto Tiranti from Labyrinth - normally a good singer but here he sings too high in my opinion).

THIS. :ill:

yeah I couldn't take more than half a minute of this nails on a chalkboard singing. And I also agree with Cheiron that it sounds like they're trying to play two songs at once.

I'm a long time fan of Rhapsody. No comparison here. *shudder*
I like all the elements, but I'm with Cheirion. Too much going on and it sounds like it is two songs. To me, it sounds like a bad mixing job, where certain elements were too loud where others were too soft and didn't blend together. Too bad because this could be awesome.
Here's another song from the album'. The titletrack from the first post is the most epic one on the album in which a lot is going on. This is a more 'straightforward'-song but it is a phenomenal one. Excellent melodies and an awesome chorus.

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Well, I like it a lot. Satisfies that cheesy power metal need for me. Does it have label/distribution? Could be a purchase at PP if a merch salesman has it.