Pathfinder Metalfest July 7th 2012


Mar 24, 2006
Anyone else going to this? I am finally taking some vacation time and taking advantage of the opportunity to finally see Theocracy live. It works out well because I have family that lives in Dallas, which is about 30 miles away from where this event is being held. I'm making the trek from VA and it is my first trip down to GA. From what I hear, it's pretty sweet. I look forward to meeting any other fellow fans/boardies and the band :headbang:
If God allows me too, i will be flying down to GA for this event as well. i live in ohio and i have an aunt that lives in stockbridge (southern suburb of atlanta). according to the gps, the venue is about 40 some minutes away from her, not bad at all.. its nice too, i will be able to visit with family and be able to enjoy seeing theocracy live as well!!!
I have been in Georgia since this past Sunday and love it. Been to Kennesaw Mountain and saw the fireworks in Atlanta tonight. I have a feeling the show on Saturday will be the best way to top off my vacation. I hope to be able to meet you guys after the show :)
Best concert I have ever seen! Every single band brought something different to the table and every one was very very good. I have never seen a concert where every band holds its own. Usually the headliner and maybe one other band is good and the rest I do not find interesting. You could not beat it for $14. I may be a little biased, but I think Theocracy was the highlight of the show. The crowd was energetic, there seemed to be more people there than for any other band, and their performance was top notch. Congrats to the guys who got the poster and drove the 900 miles...and I thought I had a long drive. I did get to leave with a "corrugated board" flyer and got a lot of band members to sign it (not all of them unfortunately). For anyone else that went out, I was easy to spot...wore a bright lime green shirt :) I hope to see Theocracy as well as the other bands soon. While Heaven Wept and Brave are from VA/DC, so I am definitely going to have to make it out to a local show of theirs. Thanks to you Theocracy and to the people that organized the show. I will be back next year!
My wife went to see them last night (I had to stay home). This was the only song she recorded. The sound quality is bad, but the video quality is pretty good. They had problems with the mic(s) in the beginning, but Matt handled it as professionally as possible.

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Awesome show! Hugely enjoyed most of the bands. Highlight, though, was getting to talk with Matt for a second and have my wife take our picture (with me, of course, looking petrified). For me, that was a big, big moment that I didn't think would happen, and was worth the four-hour drive. I think I also met Matt's wife at the merchandise table when I bought the LTDTR shirt, as well. The venue was possibly the smallest I've been to for something like this and I very much liked the atmosphere.

Will post pics and videos as soon as I figure out how to get them off of my wife's phone. Hers, for some reason, has infinitely better recording quality than mine.

prometheus7, how close was your wife to the front? I think I might remember seeing her with the camera.
Prometheus, looks like your wife was back and to the left of me. I was to the right of the stage right in front of Jon's mic. I am sure Matt was a little frustrated with the mic, but I think it was the third try they got it to work. The crowd was singing loud enough that the lyrics were heard anyway. I love smaller venues like that. The atmosphere was great. Everyone was very friendly and supportive of one another. Loved the fact that the show was about metal and not about four letter words or showing off.
I think she might have been two or three people back. She said there were some people in wheel chairs right in front of her. I went to watch the video when she got home, and I was like "DENIED!" Matt's scream. She had a great time and was able to introduce some new fans to the band.
Oh My! That was RAD! Thank you prometheus7 for sharing the vid!! Thank your wife!!! :D They have to come west forsure!!
I already have friends that are down with seeing Theocracy!! That was just a piece of the concert and I bet the rest was
history!!! Whew!! Everyone was awesome!
Let's see if I can remember: I believe it was Nailed, Master Storyteller, Martyr, Laying the Demon to Rest, Gift of Music, 30 Pieces of Silver and ended with As the World Bleeds. Why do I feel like I forgot a song?
Thank you! Haha, for some reason, I could not remember the extra song for the life of me even though I got to see the song list on stage before you guys started. Shawn, It was great meeting you along with the rest the guys.