Pathos -- Cool Band!!


As Good As Dead
Jun 7, 2002
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I can't belive I've overlooked this band -- Squeak let me in on a listen, I then bought their Katharsis album. It's old (2002) but damn, it's incredible.

This band reeks of old Forbidden-ish riffs on their more thrashy songs, and now that Paul is in Testament, makes this a fair post:p . Clean vocals throughout, with a little gruffy shit mixed in for good measure. Violated is one of the best tracks I've heard in a long time.

Daniel Antonsson's guitars are those featured in Dimension Zero, another favorite!! Pathos, though, is not nearly as total thrash as I'd like, but then, only a handful of bands really are. Some songs are weak from that point of view, so take the really good with the just OK.

'This is choice...If you have the means, I highly recommend it'...
I've heard loads of good things about Pathos as well, though their albums have escaped me...too much out there :)

I think many fans of this forum would also find Pyrexia (straight outta Long Island, yo) to be up their alley. Super aggressive technical thrash/death metal.
Testament Legions said:
I prefer Dimension Zero...
From this thrasher, I couldn't agree more. I though This Is Hell was the best disc of 2003 -- Dead Silent Shriek off their first EP is their best single effort.

I just couldn't keep the Forbidden sounds in Pathos to myself -- in some cases the drum lines, but mostly in their rhythm arrangements, the stops, etc. that bring me back to Twisted into Form...Forbidden being my favorite band of all-time, I had to give these Swedes props for that!!
Well, I know I'll get a little shit for this...but I really can't listen to these guys for more than a song at a time. Not because the music isn't good, cuz it's impressive, but it's for the same reasons bands like Iced Earth, Nevermore, and Hammerfall don't do it for me...THOSE CHEESY 80'S VOCALS. That being said, I did get a chance to see Nevermore live at the Dimmu Borgir/CoB/Hypocrisy show in SF last summer. I was very impressed by how big their sound is live. I'm starting to come around on them but the vocals are very abbrasive to my ears still. I think at 27 I'm at sort of an in between age...too young to have become desensitized to those kinda vocals in the 80's, yet too old to think the retro thing is cool.
Steiner said:
Well, I know I'll get a little shit for this...but I really can't listen to these guys for more than a song at a time. Not because the music isn't good, cuz it's impressive, but it's for the same reasons bands like Iced Earth, Nevermore, and Hammerfall don't do it for me...THOSE CHEESY 80'S VOCALS. That being said, I did get a chance to see Nevermore live at the Dimmu Borgir/CoB/Hypocrisy show in SF last summer. I was very impressed by how big their sound is live. I'm starting to come around on them but the vocals are very abbrasive to my ears still. I think at 27 I'm at sort of an in between age...too young to have become desensitized to those kinda vocals in the 80's, yet too old to think the retro thing is cool.
I took to Nevermore immediately after I saw them live for the first time... and my taste is definitely more on the thrashy, aggressive, heavier side of things! They are a well-rounded band IMO... melodic, progressive, intelligent, yet HEAVY!

Pathos I can do without, tho.
Insania said:
Dude!! You will not be dissapointed by DZ -- One of the best thrashy bands out there...

Thrashy sure... but the vocals are sucky ...

I hate this brand of thrash... every new thrash bands are doing it... I had huge expectations for the Speed/Kill/Hate project from members of Overkill but when I heard those damn vocals ... damn was I disapointed!!!

I don't remember who said this but I'll quote this person anyways by saying :

"I miss the days when someone would ask "what band is this" and you could go: "wait 'till the first vocal line and I'll tell you"."

Bands that I would like if they featured actual singing:
The Haunted
Dimension Zero
Dew Scented
At The Gates
Terror 2000

...thrash needs pompus aggressive vocals... when it's sung with death/black voice, I think it becomes a big flatline with no vocal momentum ...

Listen to War Is My Shepperd and you'll get what I'm saying...
First vocal line: Pissed off vocals ...
Second vocal line: Ironic vocals / ironic lyrics
Third vocal line: Mighty fuckin' pissed vocals... on...

Zetro's voice has mood swings... Blitz's voice too... No one translate anger into singing better than Chuck... How can monotonous death vocals can keep up with thrash music rhythm-wise???
Larf03 said:
Bands that I would like if they featured actual singing:
The Haunted
Dimension Zero
Dew Scented
At The Gates
Terror 2000
I hear you -- it takes a leap to get into this kind of metal, but damn, if you can do it... :headbang: "Open your mind, Quaid"

The more I listen to this Katharsis, only Violated and Suicide Saviour Lies have that Forbidden taste.