Pathosray - Pathosray

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Pathosray – Pathosray
Sensory Records – 2007
By Adam McAuley


Extravagant progressive pastures are crafted that display the ability to create an interesting musical slant. Right from the introductions to the album, Pathosray will attempt to suck you into the experience with complex riffs and we can sense a progressive kind of approach. The band utilize these types of methods to spruce up their album overall as there is a certain amount indulgence in their style. Adding a characteristic groove to the riffs allows them room to breathe and act out their ideals.

Do they compare to some of the more well known bands in the genre like Queensryche and Dream Theater? Well, we can see the rhythms and indulgence these bands are capable of supplying being shown to some extent, though they never copy either band greatly. Instead they offer their own supposedly huge sound which never eclipses a certain point. We can sense a grandiosity and pomp to the sounds the band portray and this runs through every element of their production. Likewise, the performances here are on the slightly pompous side, with cascading guitars overwhelming the music in particular. There is the addition of many symphonic elements to spruce up the songs appropriately. The vocals of Marco Sandron aren’t quite as magnificent in their approach as the other performances, however.

On the whole the bombastic approach is the type of thing that will beckon many fans of the progressive metal genre, but their appeal beyond it is uncertain. Thus Pathosray is the kind of album that is recommended to fans of the genre, but people that find the music can become over the top might want to think a couple of times about listening to them.

Official Pathosray Website
Official Sensory Records Website