"Patterns In The Ivy II..." B-Side Of The Year!

Oct 26, 2002
How is it that this beautiful song has just completely flew over the radar?

I mean this is one of Opeth's best! It's amazing what kind of leftovers they have!

If this is any indication of what DAMNATION is going to sound like, then I'm more than pumped!!!

:headbang: Opeth Rule! :headbang:
Originally posted by Overlord Purple Rainbow
Hey, changso! Please tell me that Mikael's head was put in digitally in that Linkin Park picture!

Mikael's head was put in digitally in that Lnikin Park picture...hopefully.
Patterns in the Ivy 2 is indeed a great song, but the recording kills me. It's clearly not an out-take caliber song, and I think it deserves a more polished sound.
Im hoping that Damnation is more in the vein of "to bid u farewell", as i think that this is the most epic, grand beautiful of their softer songs.....;.but unfortunately over the years their style has changed.....i love the soft songs off still life,....and i do love the new patterns 2 and still day.....but i believe them and harvest are most simplistic than previous stuff.
Originally posted by Overlord Purple Rainbow
How is it that this beautiful song has just completely flew over the radar?

I mean this is one of Opeth's best! It's amazing what kind of leftovers they have!

I agree with you OPR. Those BWP xtra-tracks are simply beautiful and don't get nearly enough credit!
Hey, did you notice on the website that they're supposed to put these 2 tracks onto a vinyl pressing! That will sound fucking brilliant ... and gonna be one fine super-collector's item one day!
Can't wait!!

Yeah, like anyone outside of Europe will even hear that they've been pressed before their sold...... :bah:

(and yeah, I've already sent an email to opethmike to see if he can tell me who/where/when teh LP's will be released... the monney is set aside...)
Nah... I still rather Still Day Beneath the Sun a whole lot more... I never thought Patterns II was that great actually, to be entirely honest. Yeah it was nifty but you sit it next to Still Day and there is absolutely no comparison. In my ever so humble opinion anyway.

But yeah, here's hoping that Damnation will be like To Bid You Farewell as I think that's their most remarkable "mellow" song ever. I still don't think they've ever touched the feeling they had with that song since.
Originally posted by Iblys
Yeah, I love Benighted. Learnt how to play it on guitar, now if only i could sing it at the same time...

Anyone else find singing and playing impossible?

No, not impossible. Actually I can play and sing Benighted, Still Day Beneath The Sun And Patterns II...
what I have serious trouble with is Face of Melinda! I can play it, yeah, but singing to it somehow never worked.
Ya know what blows me away 'bout those two extra tracks? The way the vocals sound. They don't sound overly compressed as on most other recordings (opeth's other stuff is no exception either).

They sound extremely open and dynamic. Really in your face, yet not obnoxious. Very honest sounding. I like it.

How those two songs seem to go unnoticed by the masses is beyond me.

BTW, at the risk of sounding like a complete 'tard.... what album was to bid you farewell on? I don't think I've heard it yet.

(counting days until damnation)....