Paul Auster


Jan 14, 2002
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I've just finished Paul Auster "I thought My father was God" which was a kind of anthology of short stories written by American men and women of all ages and edited by Auster. Since I was interested in the author, i also began to read "The New York Trilogy" and I found out by chance that it was originally published as "City of Glass", "Ghosts" and "The Locked Room"...mhhh....interesting, maybe Jonas has taken inspiration from this author...
By the way, do you like reading? Any books to suggest?
Everything by Stanislaw Lem (Solaris rules !!!)
Everything by Philipp K. Dick
Arkadi and Boris Strugatzki - The Experiment
Anaything by Orwell. I'm reminded of "1984" constantly in daily life, and it's not that media pushed point of "Big Brother is watching you". "Politics and the English language" too.
For poetry Michael Strunge.
Anton Szander LaVey: The Satanic Bible - his idea that "you are your own God" helped me to realize that I am capable of anything on my own. However, just like any book - don't take it all too seriously.
@Ergol..., most of my friends are fans of Tolkien (we play Dungeons and Dragons and other role play u can imagine). I actually read "The Hobbit" and half of The Lord of the Rings, but now, since I saw the two episodes at the cinema I think I will try to reread it and finish it this time:)
E.A.Poe is also among my fave authors, so yes I 've read most of his tales.
Don't know Terry Pratchet, I'll check him out.

@Frodnat, i saw the film Solaris by Tarkovsky, which was kind of complex and metaphisical...but still interesting. Should give a try to the book!
dunno the other two authors...thanks for the suggestions, I'll see if I find them at the library.

@Allan, yes I've read 1984 as well as Animal Farm. I like Orwell a lot, Have you read "Down and Out in Paris and London?" It's an autobiographical novel, very nice one!
@Anesthesia, the title "The Satanic Bible" sounds interesting:)Thanks for the suggestion!
Terry Pratchet is a genius, I've only read Mort, but it's enough for now, you've only read The Lord Of The Rings halfvay? I've read it three times... btw: D&D sucks (in my opinion) you should try Vampire: The Masquerade, or Deadlands: The Weird West/Wasted West or something like that, it's much better. D&D encourages min-maxing, it sucks, try some other rpg, they encourage character development and personallity...
Book suggestions:

Milton's Paradise Lost

Any theatre play by Samuel Beckett (Waiting for Godot is one of the most depressive book I've ever read!)

Anything by Brett Easton Ellis (esp American Psycho)

Patrick Suskind (Das Parfum; by the way Moonspell quoted this book in their album Irreligious)

Could you tell more about Terry Pratchett. I've been offered a book but haven't had time to read it yet.
@dg thanks for your suggestions! A part from P. Suskind I've read all the stuff you mentioned (well from Paradise Lost only some extracts)and I agree with you.
Waiting for Godot is really great, I love the theatre of absurd!

Coming back to the theme Paul Auster and "The City of Glass"...mhhh I found out there is another book called "City of Glass" and also a it's not so an original expression...but yet I'm convinced that Auster has something to do with the quotation "City of Glass"...

@Ergol, I've played vampire a couple of times, kind of one shot sessions and some live and it's one of my fave rpg. A friend of mine has also told me a lot about this game which is a mixture of fantasy and western, so maybe we'll begin playing it next year.
Yup, the game you're talking about is Deadlands: The Weird West, make sure you have a good Marshall, it is quite vital as the game could become dull if the marshall is no good, also: Don't ever run the adventure described in Book of The Dead, it sucks...

btw: Some more games we play are: Haven: city of violence, Call of Cthulu (or something like that), Legend of the five rings, and Seventh Sea, all are exelent games and is reccomended
ether said:
Coming back to the theme Paul Auster and "The City of Glass"...mhhh I found out there is another book called "City of Glass"

This one, perhaps?
