Paul Stanley - Live to Win Tour


Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
Just got back from seeing Paul live in Adelaide on his Live to Win tour.


Even at 55+, Paul's energy puts most other rockstars to shame.

Fantastic concert and he really knows how to work the crowd. Interesting set list too - not the many classics you would expect to be honest (though he did do Love Gun, Shandi, Detroit Rock City & I was Made for Loving You).

Hats off to him and his excellent band too.

Great concert. A real humble and genuine Rock Legend.

Yer - Live to Win is great.

Paul still has it - and he really enjoyed talking to the crowd after every song. We lapped it up too.
He didn't do that "giving his finger a blow-job" thing, did he???:lol:

Ah, who cares, he's cool in my book, even if he does come off fruity!:lol: