PC Cases?


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

I'm starting to look into cases again, as a kick-start to my upcoming build, whenever the Intel 8-cores drop.

I know a lot of you are digging the Fractical Designs R3. I currently have an Antec P183, which in some ways is similar. The thing that bothers me about both cases, however, is potentially too little room and too poor airflow to run my proposed system of ~4 HDDs and 2 graphics cards.

So I've come across a case which in theory seems awesome. The Silverstone FT02B. It rotates the motherboard 90 degrees, and uses convection air flow to cool upwards.

Check it:


Hells yeah, son. That's 3 180mm intake fans at the bottom. Brutal cooling performance, low noise.

Any thoughts?
Have you looked at its bigger brother the TJ-11 ? Its way too expensive for what it is but you will never have to buy a case again.
Ever think about going with a rack case? I have 3 optical drives, 3 hard drives, 2 graphics cards, 1 SSD drive, 1 UAD card, a huge cpu cooler and still have some room to spare.
Where does the powersupply vent? 3 180mm fans are a bit overkill but if they are dead silent that shouldnt be too much of a problem. Ive heard some pretty loud pcs that drive me crazy thats why i say that. I do like the way the motherboard is mounted...
There is a huge vent right out the back for the PSU.


3 180mm fans at the bottom is fantastic. On low they would be almost inaudible over the sounds of the system. The 120mm exhaust fan on top bothers me most... but I'd just replace that with one of my Noctuas and lower it as much as possible.
I bought a Coolermaster some months ago and I can say that the thing that produces more noise is the videocard fan. I have 2 120mm fans very silent...but the videocard is noisy. Nothing annoying but if I block the video fan it becomes a totally silent case
That Silverstone's a really pretty case. Good design, too. I'd go for it! You usually can't go wrong with a Silverstone. All the current Cooler Master cases are ugly as sin as far as I'm aware, which is a big deal for me, at least :).
btw do you play games only in full HD?
I'd get a single graphics card then

e: yes the ft02 is a great case, but a TJxx is useless / too much if you don't have a watercooling system you want to put into it.