PCness gone too far

I'm more offended that I was linked to a netscape site without my permission than I could ever be about some tits on tv.

We need to be more like Europe when it comes to 'sex' and 'naughty words'. But keep our American violence. I like our violence.
Funny thing is I enjoy the violence too!! :tickled: Give me Pulp Fiction, CSI, Fight Club, and Reservoir Dogs any time!

People are way too uptight about sex in the U.S. It's that "Puritan" thing we have going. Europe, even Eastern Europe under Communism, IMO, was not as uptight as the U.S. on sex. It's quite annoying! Sex is even more natural than violence, yet we always push it down.

I think all this sexual repression leads to violence! :D

It's like the Dean Koontz book I just read--The dude had 4 testicles and no penis. All that can lead to is a whole lot of pent-up rage!!!!! No way to release!!!!! You'd be so full of testosterone and sperm you could see it in your eyeballs. That'd be enough to make me kill!!!!!!!!!!!:) :tickled:
for shits sake, how much is too much? :confused: they might as well just end every channel except Nickelodeon... :Smug:


as long as they never cancel Chappelle's Show I'll be good.