pd-5 pterodriver

It is based on screamer schematics, not 530.
Sound inferior to ENGLs.
It is one of best budget solution here, in Russia
There is some PD-5 mods (custom) with better sound.
It has true tube (2 valve) schematic.
deLuther your my god. thx a ton.
this sounds so promissing. the sound of an engl, without having to carry around tons of euqipment, which I absolutly hate. I think I'll buy one of these babys. the only equipment I have left in my live rig would be a pedal case, a mini amp (crate power block - this thing is so tiny, so loud and so cheap; why is it discontinued?) and a guitar. the mp3s sound great and it's a fucking STEAL ;)
But funny thing that one of our local amp guru have ENGL mod for this babies.
(Also several others).

(internal photo of so-called C-mod.)
One of budget solutions is Yerasov PD-5 with Yerasov GTA (tube combo, various wattage).
There is Yerasov Bulldozer, which sells as Fame Bulldozer in Europe.
The sad thing - PD5 is captious to solidstate poweramps - when, with e530, you can use buffered line out (one of outs with amplification) to compensate...
those sucked pretty muched (at least the metal ones), but I'm still looking forward for this. I'll post some samples - at the moment they don't have it in stock, so I have to wait :(
Maybe oficial samples recorded with first version of pd-5.
Also mic was placed 10cm away from cloth.
Anyway, good luck!
so I got a used pterodriver for 100€ and so far I'm pretty impressed. I tried it at home with the poweramp section of my 6505 into a 1x12 rear open cab. it lacks a bit of low end, but this could be due to the cab and the low volume settings.
but it responses absolutly great, low compression, versatile with two channels (clean and lead) and two gain stages --> totals 4 different settings. all of them sound just great. and this is for 100€!!!! what a steal. Have still to try it through my rehearsal and recording stuff, though.
just tried some recording settings. It's great so far and has got a very tubeish sound, which I was a bit curious about, coz it was so cheap. Next step I'll try it in the rehearsal room, maybe it can save me from carrying around another 40 pounds engl amp.
just tried some recording settings. It's great so far and has got a very tubeish sound, which I was a bit curious about, coz it was so cheap. Next step I'll try it in the rehearsal room, maybe it can save me from carrying around another 40 pounds engl amp.

I have 50 pounds head and now I want to know can I just plug my guitar in pd-5's input, and from pd-5's output directly to cabinet with speaker cable, or.... ?
pd-5 is not Engl e530 or e430, so it can`t work in such way (direct plugging to cabinet).
You will need a poweramp.