Peace V,,


Large Member
Sep 27, 2013
Heidelberg, Germany
Completely didn't notice this forum when I registered two days ago, so here goes now:

I'm dent, one of the new guys around here. If you're not into that whole brevitything, denter, your dentness or el denterino will do as well ;)

I'm 24 years old and hailing from Germany. I joined this board to get a bit more of an itnernational perspective on Metal as well as to have an online place to hang around at night, when there might be a bit more activity here.

Musically, I'm mostly into the old school stuff - Power Metal, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, Thrash, some Death, plus some odds and ends from other styles. Favourite bands include Blind Guardian, Rage, Judas Priest, Saxon, Tankard, Helloween, Motörhead, and the likes. Mostly european stuff, as you might notice.

Oh, and I'm actively involved in two bands as well: I play bass in the Death Metal outfit Skepsis and I recently founded a Speed Metal band by the name of Hell Patröl with some friends of mine, where I do Bass as well as lead vocals.

So much from me for now, you got any questions, hit me.

edit: Forgot the in case you're interested: