Peaking while recordings clean vocals?

Apr 2, 2008
New Jersey
Hey guys,
My question may be rather simple. I have been recording vocals with this set up for a long while now:

AudioTechnica AT2020 Cartoid Condenser Mic -> Toneport -> POD farm -> DAW

Lately I have been recordings a vocalist with very high pitch voice and I have been peaking and getting popping sounds. It only happens when they hit high notes. I have never gotten this before.

Any suggestions?
An outboard comp IS a good idea, but the most important is that he is backing away from the mic when he gets louder. I always make singers stay behind a piece of tape on floor, so they don't get too close to mic.
I agree with this. Second best choice to turning the gain down on your preamp!!!!

Honestly, that's the best choice. He shouldn't be adding a compressor when he can't get a decent recording out of his interface by itself.

To the OP, back off the gain, and if that isn't enough have the vocalist further away from the mic.
24 bit audio has PLENTY of headroom and a very low noise floor. There's no reason to be anywhere near clipping on your DAW.

If levels are low on your DAW (i.e. not clipping) and you've still got the distortion/ popping sounds then use the pad on your mic.
Tell him to learn to work the mic. Make him move off the mic a little when he hits the high notes.

This is maybe not the best idea, I think.

Yes, you get a more consistent volume on your vocal track. But when you go to compress it (and most people compress their vocals to the point where there are no dynamics anyway), you're going to get the room sound changing depending on how he's moving around. So on the higher notes, the room sound is going to come in a lot more, whereas if you'd just had him record at the same distance, it'd be a lot more even.

That said, perhaps some more room sound might not be a bad thing. But for most styles here, the driest vocals are the best, then you can add reverb later.
I sometimes wonder why apparently EVERYONE with a cracked version of *DAW* has to open a "studio" and offer recordings.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for helping interested hobbyists and noone expects anyone to be "pro" right away, but if someone is offering recordings already (even charging for it) I'd expext a minimum knowledge and I don't really like to support the idea of "I don't know the basics but still think it's a good idea to oopen my own studio and undercut the pros in my area" :(
but yeah, turn the preamp's gain down....I felt the urge to close the thread after the first reply tbh
I sometimes wonder why apparently EVERYONE with a cracked version of *DAW* has to open a "studio" and offer recordings.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for helping interested hobbyists and noone expects anyone to be "pro" right away, but if someone is offering recordings already (even charging for it) I'd expext a minimum knowledge and I don't really like to support the idea of "I don't know the basics but still think it's a good idea to oopen my own studio and undercut the pros in my area" :(
but yeah, turn the preamp's gain down....I felt the urge to close the thread after the first reply tbh

Yeah I agree... I've personally bought everything I need to make a basic recording for a band, and although I still need to learn a lot, I don't think I will charge money from anyone anytime soon. Kind of depends how much people will want to use expensive softsynths but when I'll be charging money I'll probably have an actual studio with professional equipment by then, I imagine.
I sometimes wonder why apparently EVERYONE with a cracked version of *DAW* has to open a "studio" and offer recordings.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for helping interested hobbyists and noone expects anyone to be "pro" right away, but if someone is offering recordings already (even charging for it) I'd expext a minimum knowledge and I don't really like to support the idea of "I don't know the basics but still think it's a good idea to oopen my own studio and undercut the pros in my area" :(
but yeah, turn the preamp's gain down....I felt the urge to close the thread after the first reply tbh

Thanks I guess. To the rest of you, thanks a lot. This is in fact a hobby for me and I didn't go and buy all top notch gear but I thought it was about making it work with what you have. It isn't cracked either dude, I am a programmer and I hate people who do that stuff. I usually do screaming vocals and put it on a different mic that (SM57ish copy). Good deal. I will try to lower the gain.