Peavey 6505+ preamp tubes shootout


Mar 30, 2005
Today I did a test with my 6505+, switching various brand of preamp tubes in the V1 and in the PI positions.
The amp came out with 4 JJ ecc83s and 2 Sovtek LPS. I take out from my Savage a TubeTown V1 and a balanced JJ ecc83s (PI) and I switch these in different positions.
I changed only V1 and PI, I didn't change the other tubes.

Here the results

1. Standard tubes (JJ ecc83s in V1 and Sovtek LPS in PI)

2. TubeTown in V1 and balanced JJ ecc83s in PI

3. Sovtek LPS in V1 and balanced JJ ecc83s in PI

4. JJ ecc83s in V1 (standard) and balanced JJ ecc83s in PI

I think differences are pretty subtle but everyone has different sound.
What do you think is the better combination?
really subtle differences, but theyre there
not enough to care about though really

good stuff XeS :) :headbang:
Thank you.
Sincerelly I thought to find a more noticeable difference...anyway I think the standard one sounds a little better: it has a good grainy sound a not too much boominess.
But in a mix these differences are unnoticeable.
I checked these out in an analyzer, and the difference really is almost nonexistent between the clips...... I'm talking like a fraction of a decibel and only in certain places. If you can hear the difference, then you have super human ears....

I don't buy into the hype that 'preamp tubes make a difference in sound'.
The only difference I've ever heard in preamp tubes was when I switched out 12AX7's with 12AT7's.
Buy preamp tubes based on quality of the brand and longevity of the tube, not sound.

BTW the one that was most different visually was the one labeled HD_TT
Holy shit are you serious?

Dead serious. Unless someone can show me proof otherwise. The only sound difference I've heard in preamp tubes has been noise issues(ones more microphonic than the other). Unless someone can prove to me otherwise, that's what I will believe.

I spend good money on Tung Sols, and that's only because I know they will be good right out of the box, and they last twice as long as anything else I've used.

Now power tubes, that's a different story.
If you can hear the difference, then you have super human ears....

I can hear differences, but they are pretty imperceptive. The most noticeable is, as you said, the TubeTown one.
The other 3's are definitelly the same...but I noticed a little more boominess in the JJ than the standard one.
Holy shit are you serious?

Ive talked to some pretty respected amp-builders/modders in Sweden(Amongst them Amphealer & Folkesson.), and they all agreed that even though it may make a difference, its a very subtle one.. and the more tubes you have, the less it matters which they are(Unless you start blending tubes.).
What they did mention though was that there is a HUGE difference between bad tubes, and good tubes.

And even though tubes just makes a very subtle difference in sound, it might be worth switching them!
If you do 100 things to your rig that makes very subtle differences, you have drastically changed "the big picture".
Dead serious. Unless someone can show me proof otherwise. The only sound difference I've heard in preamp tubes has been noise issues(ones more microphonic than the other). Unless someone can prove to me otherwise, that's what I will believe.

I spend good money on Tung Sols, and that's only because I know they will be good right out of the box, and they last twice as long as anything else I've used.

Now power tubes, that's a different story.

I'm very surprised to hear that. When I've retubed my 6505+ in the past, I've changed out preamp tubes several times within the same session trying them out and I found there to be significant differences in the tone, throughout the entire frequency range really.
I'm very surprised to hear that. When I've retubed my 6505+ in the past, I've changed out preamp tubes several times within the same session trying them out and I found there to be significant differences in the tone, throughout the entire frequency range really.

Snake oil :p

If you look at the construction of a tube, they are going to be VERY similar among the brands. Some look identical. Saying they sound different is like saying two copper 18 gauge wires from 2 different companies will sound different... Now if the tube manufactures used different materials, different sizes, different whatever in the tube, that might make that 'slight' difference in sound. But its very small. The reason all 12AX7's will sound the same is because all manufacturers build off of a standard blueprint for what a 12AX7 is....
Maybe those old off the wall 12AX7s will sound different(like the long plates, military grade, etc), but the new tubes all sound the same to me.

But if you hear a difference than go for whatever you like! Just don't go buying NOS 12AX7's for $100 a piece :lol:

P.S- Tubes kick ass
Snake oil :p


The proof is in the clips guys, just listen to how little the difference is. This is exactly my experience in the past as well, with more than a handful of amps mind you. Spending tons of money on preamp tubes to only wind up with less money and my amp sounding the damn same as it did before.

Power tubes, as Wolfe also said, are a different story though.

The proof is in the clips guys, just listen to how little the difference is. This is exactly my experience in the past as well, with more than a handful of amps mind you. Spending tons of money on preamp tubes to only wind up with less money and my amp sounding the damn same as it did before.

Power tubes, as Wolfe also said, are a different story though.

Well said. It's the same debate all the amp snobs have over brands of capacitors.

I think if people had a better understanding of what the tubes are actually doing in the circuit it would alleviate some of the myths....
Snake oil :p

If you look at the construction of a tube, they are going to be VERY similar among the brands. Some look identical. Saying they sound different is like saying two copper 18 gauge wires from 2 different companies will sound different... Now if the tube manufactures used different materials, different sizes, different whatever in the tube, that might make that 'slight' difference in sound. But its very small. The reason all 12AX7's will sound the same is because all manufacturers build off of a standard blueprint for what a 12AX7 is....
Maybe those old off the wall 12AX7s will sound different(like the long plates, military grade, etc), but the new tubes all sound the same to me.

But if you hear a difference than go for whatever you like! Just don't go buying NOS 12AX7's for $100 a piece :lol:

P.S- Tubes kick ass

Seems totally reasonable, but I did notice a pretty perceivable difference when trying difference tubes in different slots, etc. And I agree, I'm not going to going after NOS stuff any time soon. ;)
Today I tried a 6505+. The crunch ch was my prefered. Very bright and voiced. I like the simplicity of the 6505. Do you know if the 6505 is inferior for having 5 instead of 6 preamp tubes? Is the extra tube adding tone or serves just to hold the distinct setting on the chanels ? Please, help. I just had so many amps. Thanks.:err:
The 6505+ has 6 tubes instead of 5 because it has 1 more gain stage. I like my 6505+ very much but generally the 6505 receives much more has a different voice, more gain (expecially in the crunch channel) and more bass.
Do you think the 6505+ has more presence, or that is near the same. I am definetely buying a Peavey.
What does it mean one more gain stage ? Still the 6505 has more gain in crunch ch ? Hard to understand. Sorry, but I've had several amps and these seem to match what I've been searching. Hated Mesa Triple, Krankenstein and Marshalls.
If you like it buy it :) I think that 1 more gain stage means that the whole gain is "provided" by 1 more tube than the 6505 doesn't mean it has more gain. It has also 1 more channel than the first version so maybe it needs 1 more tube. I'm not an amp expert so....
Anyway as I said, if you like it, buy it. The first version has a different voice, more bass, but sincerely I like the 6505+ a little more because is different than the sound everybody has and it's also more open sounding (also a little fizzier unfortunately)
I retubed my Mesa Mark IV a little while back......put Ruby 6L6/EL34s in the power, and "Dougs Preamp Tone Kit" which I cant recall exactly which 12AX7s they were.

only real difference I noticed was it was WAY FUCKIN' LOUDER than when I had my old tubes in it (which were all 6L6 in the power section), which I thought was weird because arent EL34s lower output or something? I don't know a whole lot about tubes, but there was clearly a difference in clarity with notes. Maybe my old tubes were just really old? I feel jipped since I canted even push the master volume past 1.5-2 without being too loud for band practice!!!