Peavey Ultra - FRIED (Help?)


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA

The fried Peavey Ultra


It turns on...but doesn't really work.


Not a pretty sight...rust on the transformers. So I've read, it doesn't hurt anything...




The Culprit (in the circle).


What we're looking at on the schematic. I had to ask Peavey for the schematic (if anyone wants it, pm me).


To top it all off, the resonance switch is busted. It's not supposed to move left-right, as you can see it can. It doesn't select anything, just free floats. It's the one with the chip on the back.

Heres whats going on: I had this amp SOLD and, since I'm a nice guy, took it back the next day when the dude who bought it from me said he used it that night and it started losing power and started smoking. I'm pretty sure he fried it... but since he didn't even have it for 24 hours, I gave him his money back.
I want to get this fixed so I can get rid of it. I want to find the most cost effective way to do this, because if I have to throw a bunch of cash into it just to turn around and only get chump profit, I'm not gonna be happy. I'm actually hoping to sell it to the same dude, he said he'd buy it if I got it fixed.

So, it looks like that capacitor got fried. On the capacitor I think it says this:
At least thats what I think it says, cuz it's charred black. Directly below that, in the pic, between the fuses is another cap that looks just like it, which is where I got the print. The "103M" seems to be there from what I can see, but I can't make out the rest.

If this is something I can do myself (I don't know whether I can or not...thats kinda why I'm asking here) and I can save sending it off to someone, I'm all for it. I just want to get rid of it so I'll have a down payment on something like a 6505+ or a Dual Rec.
Any other questions for info needed to help me out, do not hesitate!
looks easy enough to repair, just pick up the right capacitor and replace it. just pray it has not friend somewhere else inside another capacitor and left no burn mark. otherwise you'll be there for a week with a voltage tester trying to fix it. if the gold board wiring is friend too you may need to jump wire it and do a little repair job to bypass the board burned out wiring.

after all im sure the amp is well out of warranty so go ahead and try it. if it fails give it to an amp repair dude.

nice amp by the way - shame it fried
Should be an easy fix. But FYI, rust on transfromers is for sure a bad thing....You can actually put a multimeter on one side of the plates to the other and see what that rust is doing.....