Peavey ultra plus tone..

Wow! Much better than I ever got, but then again I didn't know what the heck I was doing when I did. What cab, mic setup, mic pres guitar and pickups did you use?
I got a Marshall 1960 cab with x pattern of 2 v30 and 2 g1275. I used a Audix I5 mic i just got and my digi002 mic pre's. Oh i had an Ibenez ts808 in there as well. My guitar is an Epiphone Les Paul goth with a emg81 in bridge.

Yea i just threw the mic up and did 2 tracks of guitar. I think I'm gonna mess with more mic positions and stuff and see how good i can get sounding.

But I'm still curious about your thoughts so please keep them coming......
Those Audix i5's are nice, wish I had one, I prefer them over the SM57's for recording. Sound's like you got a good setup, and the tone from those older heads are nice, you should give it a tube overhaul. Check out the Old Winged C's on the power tubes and JJ tesla's on the 12AX7's. Whatever you do, Those Winged C's (used to be Svetlana's but had to do a name change) are IMO the absolute best sounding tube for that amp. Other opinions may vary.

Did you record the GT75's or the Vintage 30's?
I did that on the v30 wish i could experiment more but i got caught up with revalver mkII and trying to write music for the band.

Yea I was thinking eurotubes for the JJ set when I get a few extra bucks but yea I'm liking the Audix I5. I just threw that mic up in front of speaker and had a decent tone so i know with some tweaking and blending a maybe a track with sm57 would probably be pretty nice.