Peavey Valveking and Harley Benton V30 cab samples


Sep 28, 2003
Some audio samples i recorded this weekend. Got a friend of mine playing guitar and did a simple and quick sample recording, hardly monitored the tone as it was done in a hurry. Nevertheless the amp´s tone is there. The signal chain was sm57 into Rme fireface. No post-processing, no guitar pedals. As simple as it can be. The guitars were two Esp/Ltd: a EC 1000 with emg 81 on the bridge and a Ex351 also with a 81.

This might be interesting to some people curious about this new peavey amp.

take care 2.JPG

http://www.sneapforum.celtiaproduct...PEAVEY VALVEKING - class ab - ltd ec 1000.mp3

http://www.sneapforum.celtiaproduct...EY VALVEKING - class ab on axis - ltd 351.mp3

http://www.sneapforum.celtiaproduct..._VALVEKING_CLASS_A_plus AB_plus_B_ltd_351.mp3

http://www.sneapforum.celtiaproduct..._/PEAVEY VALVEKING - class ab 2 - ltd 351.mp3
i like the first clip the best, because it sounds more "in your face" than the others, the other 3 seemed kinda muddy and soft.
anyways, it is good to know that such a relatively cheap set up will get you a more than useable sound!
i think it's very usefull depending on many things

for the kind of sound i play today it would be usable for live situations... and maybe for recording

there is a big difference in price too... it's half the price of a 6505 which i can't afford , even a second hand

i'd like to test it for myself and for the price it might be a good bet
the price tag was the big issue when my band bought two valvekings plus two harley benton v30 cabs. If we had more money we would pick two 6505 or two engl fireball....some product around that price tag but we had a very limited amount to spend. Nevertheless we´re happy with the outcome.