Pentacle - Under The Black Cross

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.

GOOD FUCKING LORD this is K I L L E R Death Metal with old school-esque groove ie not relying on blastbeats throughout the entire fucking record. It's concept is based on some sea battle that took place in WWII.

some dude's review said:
This is the second full-length album from Pentacle, a band from the Netherlands that plays old-school death metal.

The production on this album is quite clear and punishing. The vocals are right up front: they're understandable deathy snarls that remind me of the current frontman for Desaster. The guitars are sharp, with plenty of low-end that's further augmented by the bass, giving the album an extremely heavy sound. The drums are great, with plenty of clever fills when they're not pounding straight ahead.

Pentacle were certainly paying attention during Celtic Frost class -- they've got that sort of old, old death metal sound. They add in some thrashy guitars in the fast sections, too, all built on a foundation of genius riffing. The smooth transitions and perfectly placed speed changes ensure that these songs will get into your head and stay there. The lyrics and subject of the album are excellent, as well: it's a concept album, based upon a successful British suicide mission of World War II. As a result, Under the Black Cross has a feeling of triumph mixed with hopelessness that's quite powerful, and gives this album a surprising amount of atmosphere. From the opening salvo to the final notes of "Awaiting the Blast of Death", this album delivers song after song of top-notch death.

This is the best death metal album of 2005, as far as I'm concerned -- one of the best death metal albums in recent years, for that matter, right up there with Mortem's Decomposed by Possession. This band deserves an accolade for Under the Black Cross, as it's an instant classic in my eyes. Highest recommendations.

Standout tracks: "Into the Fiery Jaws", "A Devil's Shooting Gallery", "Awaiting the Blast of Death"
it kicks ass and i recommended this like ages ago :mad: i think i had it on 5th place on my "best of 2005" list


Good to see that others enjoy this one too! I'm also glad to see that you've gotten back into good ol' DM, Doomcifer!
I highly approve of this thread and its assault on gay-new-blasting-brutal-death-faggotry-with-stupid-vocals-also.

This = Death Metal.
Deah, Obituary, Morbid, Darkthrone - Soulside Journey =)

Obviously you havn't heard any of those! =P Haha.
Doomcifer said:

Yes! Good stuff, great rhythm/tempo changes....just not entirely sure about the vocals. Sounds like he's vomiting.

HOLY SHIT -- that moment at 5:33 where everything just STOPS.....and then that grinding sloooowed down riff...double bass....awesome. :kickass:

This is like Slayer death metal -- both Lurch and NAD should REALLY appreciate this track.
I think they put out an MLP soon after this album, but I haven't heard that. They're supposed to be touring Europe with Possessed, Sadistic Intent, and Mortem sometime later in the year.