Pentagon Conspiracy

Saw it yesterday. Pretty trippy, but the credibility of someone explaining a conspiracy theory using Flash and Marilyn Manson is around absolute zero.

note that I like Flash animations and Marilyn Manson, but nobody ever takes me seriously
That's interesting. Although I'd been reading that it wasn't a plane that hit the Pentagon since around 9/12, the day after. I thought it was pretty obvious -- no way on earth is that a Boeing 757 flying at 530mph 5 feet above the ground based on explosion damage, and the actual explosion seems to be quite intact. Not messy like a plane crash would be. I'm not saying it's a missile though either, I just don't know what it is.

A ground missile launched by a terrorist? A US anti-aircraft missile gone awry? No idea.

I'm not a conspiracy nut, but come on, that's no Boeing 757 that flew into the Pentagon, and no way did the passengers bring down the other Boeing in that field in PA. If I was a betting man, I'd say that plane was shot down.
Or perhaps members of the Military Complex saw the new york explosions and quickly decided to exploit the situation by launching an attack on the pentagon to build a strong case of a need for more military funding, and a bulletproof casus belli against the entire middle eastern world. The ends justify the means.

Ok thats my hollywood conspiracy plotline.
I think if the attacks were an inside job just so retaliation could occur, with the thought that Arab countries be turned into mini-Israel bitches, the planes flying into the towers would have been enough.
the truely amazing thing about the Pentagon crash is that there is no video of it at all.
I was at the Pentagon to visit, years ago ... and there are visible live cameras everywhere. To have no evidence of this plane crash is amazing.

Also I am pretty much certain that the Pennsylvania plane was definetelly shot down. That is another crash site, where there were no photos released.

Shady biz ...
lurch70 said:
the truely amazing thing about the Pentagon crash is that there is no video of it at all.
I was at the Pentagon to visit, years ago ... and there are visible live cameras everywhere. To have no evidence of this plane crash is amazing.
They had/have CCTV pics from the Pentagon on an air crash website...can't remember the address, but it's a big website...

I'll check the sites tomorrow, in a rush now...
Ayeka said:
Very interesting. So what's to be done to get the answers?
Haha, that's the age old question. To this day, it's not even proven that Osama Bin Laden was behind 9/11 (although he probably was), and shit, we don't even know who shot JFK or what's inside Area 54!

According to some, there wasn't a single Israeli / Jew in or around the towers on 9/11. These people obviously haven't been to New York. :loco:

JayKeeley said:
Haha, that's the age old question. To this day, it's not even proven that Osama Bin Laden was behind 9/11 (although he probably was), and shit, we don't even know who shot JFK or what's inside Area 54!

According to some, there wasn't a single Israeli / Jew in or around the towers on 9/11. These people obviously haven't been to New York. :loco:
True true...ahhh well bugger boo. In the abscence of answers, racially-motivated violence will suffice :)
hey abcdefg, where the hell did you find that fourwinds link? I was browsing the site and I noticed it is some strange sort of cult. Much like the Hale Boppers, they think a space ship of aliens is orbiting earth protecting us. Oh well it was interesting nonetheless.
We've all seen what plane crashes look like from other disasters, there is just MASSES amount of debris everywhere. Just look at the images of the fourth plane that crashed in the field. THAT looks like a plane crash. At minimum, you'll see sections of a wing or engine, but for the most part, a Boeing-sized plane crash leaves white debris scattered EVERYWHERE.

Where is all the fucking debris? The lawn infront of the pentagon didn't even have a scrape. 20 feet perfectly round holes in the wall? Come on! That golf course joke in the flash sums it up really, with the green remaining perfect.

If some militant was flying that plane into the Pentagon, wouldn't it have come in from a higher angle, say, the sky?? No, this guy who couldn't fly managed to fly the Boeing 757 into the SIDE of the Pentagon by keeping the plane 5 feet above the ground. :lol: No way, not even Maverick and Goose could pull that stunt.

Again though, the question is, was it a missile?
JayKeeley said:
Area 51 is full of aliens and spaceships, everyone knows that.

Actually, that project was outsourced to India years ago. Area 51 has been converted into a storage facility for emergency Republicans, to be mobilised to marginal states if it looks like the voting will be close again.
"The New Tom Green Show" equates to evil....hahaha. The man televised the removal of his cancerous testical, and sucks milk from cow udders, so this cube guy might be on to something. :loco:
I'll watch those videos at home tonight in hopes to go to sleep confused and angry, that's amazing he spoke at MIT.

I think he should divide the world up into 17 segments and claim each day is actually 17. Why stop at midday, midafternoon, sunrise, and sunset? He could divide everything up like Hobbits mealtimes!