Pentakill - awesome "league of Legends" inspired metal!


Apr 4, 2006
Fredericksburg, VA
I came across this interesting piece on GameSpot a couple of weeks ago. I've never really played League of Legends myself, but I was very interested in at least checking this Pentakill outfit out and see how they sound. I was a little skeptical if this is going to be some crappy sounding "scream-n-wail" "-core" type outfit or some really cheesy sounding hack-job. Boy was I wrong! The one track that was posted in the video on that page had me impressed with the excellent melodies and very clean production.

Now, they have the entire album, Smite and Ignite, available for free from their website ( It is in 320 kbps MP3, so it is actually pretty good quality (although wish it was in lossless FLAC, but hey....).

I am listening to it on my big Klipsch rig, and holy shit, this is friggan KILLER!! This is just plain SICK! I am VERY impressed with this, both from a musical and production quality. I would HIGHLY recommend checking this out, especially considering it is available for free!. I may have to consider getting the actual CD of this, both to get a full CD quality as well as a way to support this outfit.

Who would've thought I would find some kick-ass metal on a gaming site of all things. :headbang:
How the hell I missed that!?! I guess that's what happens when I've not been on the forum for a while. :oops:

Anyway, did snag the album, and I thought it was really awesome!

Well, I guess Glenn can go ahead and delete or merge this thread with the other.
let me ask this question since you have the many songs does Jorn sing on?