People still listen to Symphony X?

out growing? interesting.... I still play their CD's, I still play stuff from the 70's so what ? Why should someone get to feeling they are too good for something they once enjoyed ? And besides, as much as I've played them out I really have yet to hear anything "better" maybe different, but not better. The more or less sound alikes, well we have a topic on a few of them right now. Whatever, fry your bone on something more important than who still listens to Symphony X
To be honest.. I listened to Symphony X all year long last year and got a little over-symphonied. Lately I've been listening to loads of Iced Earth and 70s 80s 90s pop music, but I still listen to Symphony X all the time, just not as much as before. Just today I had a listen to some Divine Wings and Damnation game.
So because so many other bands are doing the same style then we should stop listening to SyX? way to go with your logic :rolleyes:
mëtålspëd;8061688 said:
I mean really? It seems there are so many others bands who are making similar music these days, that they havent brought enough fresh material to the table. Just my opinion.

Oh sure, come here & start trouble why don'cha? :heh:

Don't you have some Bay City Rollers scratch & sniff posters to occupy your free time?

I listened to half of PL on the way to work tonight, for the record....
Lay off that California ditch weed, troublemaker! :lol:
Well, I think he is entitled to his opinion. But I never get tired of symphony x, nore do they get old. I often find my self straying away from them, like most of us. But somedays you just wake up and say "hell I havent listend to *insert symphony x album here* in a little while" and its the same if not better experience than it was the first time!
Like everyoe I need to break up the routine with listening to different kinds of music, my tastes are mostly restricted to metal but there's anough variation in metal as a whole genre to keep me satisfied.

I definately had my big 'phase' with Symphony X when I first discovered them, I quickly got all of their albums and would listen to them constantly. I eventually tired of hearing them all the time and my listening to them became less regular. Now i don't listen to them all the time but of the many many bands that I listen to Symphony X are one of the few that has a regular rotation, I think I lsten to them at least every fortnight if not every week.

I had a similar phase when I got into Dream Theater but I definately don't listen to DT much at all now. Symphony X are far more entertaining IMO.

Sure there are plenty of bands that have a similar style but why would we listen to them when Symphony X pulls off this kind of sound so perfectly, I find them to be a cut above the majority of bands in the power/prog scene, thats why I choose them instead of some run of the mill clone.
Symphony X are leaders, not followers.

And as far as people STILL listening to them... well it just means that SX are doing something right if they can hold their old fans whilst gaining new ones at the same time.
As a music fan once i like a band I rarely leave them behind. I still listen to music that i listened to 10 or more years ago. I just depends on personal tastes.

If you think you 'outgrew' Symphony X then that implies that you think you are too mature to listen to them. Keep in mind these guys are professional adult musicians who take their music seriously and love it, so maybe your not too mature or you havn't 'outgrown' Symphony X, you just lost interest or your tastes have changed which is fine.
So because so many other bands are doing the same style then we should stop listening to SyX? way to go with your logic :rolleyes:

Did I tell you to stop listening, because of my thoughts on the matter? No need to personalize the topic from the start. Its a similar boat as glam... a few started it, then the next thing you know... there are dozens and dozens... and dozens who do it.

You heard me... Symphony X = Glam (or something)
I had a similar phase when I got into Dream Theater but I definately don't listen to DT much at all now. Symphony X are far more entertaining IMO.

DT are a bunch of wankers. I never understood people who enjoy them, for as progressive as they are labeled, most of the albums sound a bit rehashed to me, complimented by the fine vocal stylings of that Bryan Adams wannabe.
mëtålspëd;8062519 said:
Did I tell you to stop listening, because of my thoughts on the matter? No need to personalize the topic from the start. Its a similar boat as glam... a few started it, then the next thing you know... there are dozens and dozens... and dozens who do it.

You heard me... Symphony X = Glam (or something)

By asking if people if people are still listening to SyX you're questioning why people still do, therefore, you're implying they should stop listening listening to them because it's already a trend. Rephrase your question better, because that's what I got from your post when I first read it.

Anyways, I don't care about trends. Almost every band that has spawned from this genre are lame copy cats of the originators of the style and therefore, I don't listen to them.
It's not a "we listen to Symphony X and no one else" board. I listen to tons of different styles and artists...occasionally it's Sym X. The band is just common ground. This is definitely the best band message board...a lot of nice folks here...that's why I come back...doesn't really have anything to do with the band.
mëtålspëd;8062523 said:
DT are a bunch of wankers. I never understood people who enjoy them, for as progressive as they are labeled, most of the albums sound a bit rehashed to me, complimented by the fine vocal stylings of that Bryan Adams wannabe.

Not really, just lately they have been sounding like that.:Smug: Seriously, they used to be really good but now all they seem to be about is shredding and headbanging stuff.
Not really, just lately they have been sounding like that.:Smug: Seriously, they used to be really good but now all they seem to be about is shredding and headbanging stuff.

Images and Words was a (maybe THE) defining album for the genre. Scenes form a Memory is amazing...those are the only two I really enjoy.