Perihellium - Polish modern prog metal

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Not sure this is really my cuppa but I'm sure some of you will like it. Musically they are very solid but I guess the vocals are a bit average. A smoother voice would have suited better IMO but I guess they didn't want to be tagged another Riverside.

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Sounds great to me. I actually like it when a progressive metal band doesn't pick a vocalist that sounds like other better known prog bands (DT, VP, SX, etc.)
Actually I was wrong about this. It IS up my street after all. The singing is not brilliant and there are no real catchy vocal meoments but the music is just wicked prog metal goodness. If they had Tommy Karevik singing they'd be out of this world. Some of the instrumental riff passages on this album are just superbly fluid and addictive.