Periphery New Groove Cover Mixtest Thing


has the groove.
Jul 11, 2011
Glasgow, Scotland
I wanted to try out my new mix again and decided to cover this much covered tune. Excuse the sloppy playing apart from the places I cheated, you'll know what I mean when you hear it!

Also featuring my little brother on the bass guitar!


P.S. May have had a slight disaster and accidentally rendered the guitars as mp3s...I went and redid the ones that sounded the most obvious but I couldn't be arsed redoing everything just for a cover so there you go!
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okay so, first: i think its utterly pointless making a djent mixtest without uber tight playing, because now you probably make the guitar-tone too tight because of the non-tight playing,

second: sounds pretty good tho', the only thing to really complain is for me there is too much snare-wire on the ghost notes, unecessarily mushes up the sound sometimes.
okay so, first: i think its utterly pointless making a djent mixtest without uber tight playing, because now you probably make the guitar-tone too tight because of the non-tight playing,

second: sounds pretty good tho', the only thing to really complain is for me there is too much snare-wire on the ghost notes, unecessarily mushes up the sound sometimes.

I played as tight as I could for someone who just learned the part 5 minutes ago :D Also, I've got a transient running on the snare for slightly increased sustain, which might be the source of the excess snare wire sound.

Thanks though, appreciate the feedback :)

wow man this sound absolutely great. seriously. soooo.... what did you use?

Signal chain is: Guitar Rig 4 (Compressor, Tubescreamer, Noise Gate) =. Lepou LeGion => Lepou Lecab (4 recabinet impulses, two mesa boogie and two marshall)

Here's a pic for good measure :) And thanks dude!

It's cool that you can make this sound very close to the original which was done using Axe-Fx by just using Legion. Very nice!