Personalized Promo Video from ReinXeed for PPUSA XIV


Mrs. Harvester
Staff member
Feb 17, 2009
I had never heard of these guys before the Friday announcement, and couldn’t even figure out how to say the name! But the promo is intriguing…will definitely check this out!
Any other database guys or gals out there? When I saw their name my mind kept reading it as "reindexed".

From the short clip, they sound promising, more research required.
Yeah as closely as I thought I looked for new bands, I had never even heard the name of this band before. But it sounds great; like old Rhapsody. I look forward to getting into their music in the next 360 days.
Excellent choice for next year! I expect nothing but speedy power metal goodness to kick off Saturday night. Once again, I'm going to have to skip the merch tables both nights in favor of making sure I don't miss the first bands of the night.
I don't know why, but I want everything to do with this band from now until next year. I am literally latching on to everything they play and nothing is NOT making me happy. This is like my new Elvenking.
How nice would it be to hear some sounds that are new to you and not have to feel like you're an idiot at the moment you first discover it. We all know this music we love isn't mainstream, so isn't it great to share? If you get it first, share it, but don't act like a tool cause you got it FIRST! Just saying. For this stuff, loving it regardless when I first got a listen. Listen and enjoy!