Peter Gabriel

Apr 23, 2006
does anyone else think he is just amazing?? something about that guys voice just connects, whether it be the genesis or solo stuff, i just think his got one of the best voices for contemporary music i have ever heard.
Yes I really love his voice too. Just recently found Up-album from my dad's cd collection and got to say that there are many really really good tracks on it! I recommend you to give listen to him if you haven't already.
The production of PG's albums and the quality of musicians he surrounds himself with are both amazing.
Classic prog, good stuff.

I think he improved lots once he left Genesis, and now I can only listen to one Genesis song with Phil (That's All). I'm thinking of getting one of his CD's soon, kind of go back to the roots of progressive music.
Peter Gabriel is just amazing, one of my absolute favourites since I was like...4.

So ahead of his time in the 80s, a real revolutionary musician. His first 2 are a little shaky, but with some still great songs. Everything from "3" up to "Us" is beyond words, all of those are such amazing albums, with "4", "Passion", and "Us" being my favourites. And of course there's "So"...and "3"...fuck, I love ALL those albums.

He's still got it too..."Ovo" and "Up" were quality.

See him live, take it from me that its an experience like no other. Its spiritual, and almost religious or ritualistic. You'll never forget it.

Great to see some fans here.