Phantom Blue Reunion Show - May 26th 2009


Live to Win
Feb 9, 2008
Makati, Philippines
I just got a personal message from bassist Kim Nielsen-Parsons (via YouTube) that the Phantom Blue reunion show will be on January or February 2009 at the House of Blues in Hollywood. No set dates yet, but according to her MySpace blog, Motörhead, Black Label Society and the surviving members of Meldrum are to be on hand, as well as other friends of Michelle.

EDIT: Since this announcement, the show was changed to May 26, 2009 at the Whisky a Go Go.
Does this mean a certain trip from CALedonia to CALifornia will be delayed until next year?

It looks like it! :lol: This date actually works out better for me cos then I have more time to save up. Credit card bill is needing to be paid - damn Metallica eating more of my money! o_O

I cannot wait to see this show, it's going to be very special. :kickass:
WOW! Who will the lineup be? I know who will be on drums and pretty sure about on bass now. Can you tell us?

These are the exact words Kim told me:

Kim Nielsen-Parsons said:
No it's not in August. It is scheduled for Jan. / Feb. 2009 at the House of Blues in Hollywood Ca. The date is still to be confirmed yet. So far, all original members are going to be performing with a guest guitarist to fill in for Michelle.
Yes, we have Kim Nielsen on bass, and Gigi on vocals, Nicole Couch (extreme shreddstress!) on guitar and me on drums. The guest guitarist in Michelle's position is yet to be confirmed. Updates will definitely be posted on the official Phantom Blue website once they are firmed up. ( :saint:
Hey thanks Jeremy!! Original lineup as in Karen Kruetzer on guitar, I asume. I really hope I can be there for this, I'd really love to see Karen again and say hello. Linda - give her a hug for me if I can't be there, K? She was very sweet, fun, and a monster on guitar. WAY cute as well:oops:! I saw Yngwie in a small club with her! Be nice to see GiGI as well! Hope they are all doing well in their lives. I saw Kim at one of the last Maidens shows I went to. Must be a bass player thing (ie. Steve Harris) she looked great! The only thing different was the lack of the big 80's hair!

HOLY SHITBALLS!!!By the time my 2 fingers finished typing and relogging on this site, all these responses came! NICOLE COUCH!!!!!!! HOOOOOTTTTYYYY HOOOOOO!!!!! MONSTER on guitar!!!! MONSTER!!! M-O-N-S-T-E-R-!!
Would be neat to see Nicole and Karen on the same stage!!!! SHRED CITY!!! Hail the mastermind behind this reunion!!!
Is there any place someone can get a copy of the first album on CD? Will it be reissued for the reunion? Will you all do the big hair thing?:p

I think the first CD is still available on the official site. Otherwise, people are charging an arm and a leg for it on eBay and Amazon.

And yeah, I'd love to see the girls do big hair again. Linda looked so gorgeous on those old pics. :oops:
:lol: I don't think we'll be doing the big hair thing! That would be funny tho, wouldn't it??? :lol:

John, I can just burn you a copy you silly. It's really hard to find the first 2 releases anymore. They've been out of print for many years now.
Jenna, you rock! :headbang: Jeremy, you are very sweet :oops:
I've got a question about the HoB. I was just looking on their website and it says that there's no cameras allowed. Is that strictly reinforced or do the security not bother? Venues here have signs like that but the security don't give a shit, all they might ask you to do is not use your flash which is fine. When I saw some gigs in the US in 2004, they were very strict about cameras and weren't even allowing people to use their camera phones to take pictures. Are all American venues like that? I really want to take my camera to this gig but if the security are likely to confiscate it then I'd rather not.
Yeah in this country they're fuckin' assholes about cameras.I do video so I have a lot to put up with.Even when I get my press credentials I have to put up with a "Photo pass" not being the same this as a "Video pass" because I usually am given a photo pass when I'm FILMING!
I thought HOB banned Heavy Metal,Either way me & the "Reality Check TV' crew plan on covering this event!