Phil Rudd leaving AC/DC


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
I found this on a Spanish site, I couldn't confirm it in the official website or another site, but it seems that due to healt issues Phil will leave the band after the end of the USA tour. At the same time it seems that Chris Slade will take over the drum set again, as everybody remembers Chris took over the drumming position in AC/DC after Simon Wright left.

If anyone can confirm this, please post a link. It's sad, I'm not a fan of AC/DC but I was glad when Phil came back to the band, I think he's the perfect drummer for them.
Our old drummer was HUGE Rudd fan. She'll be disappointed but happy as she saw them a few months ago in Detroit.

She? You had a female drummer? Why don't you kept her? I mean it would have been a great catch for FS, you guys are butt ugly :p
The story is bullshit....

Always nice as spice :p. Like I said I found it in a Spanish website, I couldn't find any other source to confirm or deny it. If anyone has a solid link with info please post it here.
I also heard Brian was quitting soon. Don't blame him - nor do I blame Robert with Zep. He's old, and touring is a tremendous pain, especially at that age as a singer.

I read an interview with Steve Perry where he talked about the perils of touring as a singer and how every night it's like "how am I gonna sound tonight?"
ill be upset if he retires but ya hes old i dont blame him. his voice sounds awesome i saw them live in November and he sounded amazing, the songs that were from back in black he hit perfectly
If it takes another 8 years to record a cd Brian will be what? 69 years old.....

If they plan on staying around then go record more music! I can't see Brian lasting much longer on the road.