PHILIP ANSELMO 'Not Welcome' At DIMEBAG's Funeral ???????


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
Update: PHILIP ANSELMO Barred From DIMEBAG's Funeral; JERRY CANTRELL Performs Acoustically - Dec. 14, 2004

BLABBERMOUTH.NET has confirmed that former PANTERA singer Philip Anselmo did NOT attend the the funeral of DAMAGEPLAN/ex-PANTERA guitarist "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott — apparently because he was told that he was "not welcome" at any of the events honoring the late musician that was slain last week at a nightclub in Columbus, Ohio. Anselmo's former PANTERA/DOWN bandmate Rex Brown (bass) DID attend, as did a number of other high-profile musicians, such as Zakk Wylde (OZZY OSBOURNE, BLACK LABEL SOCIETY), Eddie Van Halen, Jerry Cantrell (ALICE IN CHAINS), Jim Root (SLIPKNOT), Corey Taylor (SLIPKNOT), Paul Gray (SLIPKNOT), and Dino Cazares (ex-FEAR FACTORY).

Cantrell reportedly performed an acoustic number at the funeral, while Eddie Van Halen gave a speech that included an impromptu playback of a phone message he had received from Abbott at some point before his death
This is exactly hard to believe.
The Cantrell thing is cool. I always had top 3 guitarist: Dime, Zakk and Jerry.
Thats because a week before Dimebag was murdered an interview with Phil was surfaced saying a lot of bad things about focusing mainly on Dimebag. I mean its definitely alot more then just that but it couldn't have help.
I read the interview (it was in a British publication) He said that Dime needed to get a severe beatdown. I will look for the article and print it out.

DanThrax said:
Thats because a week before Dimebag was murdered an interview with Phil was surfaced saying a lot of bad things about focusing mainly on Dimebag. I mean its definitely alot more then just that but it couldn't have help.
I can't fucking believe it!
Phil must be feeling terrible! I mean, things were bad between them, and now, Phil knows it can't ever change, and now he didn't even get to say goodbye???? THAT FUCKING SUCKS!! No one should hav ebeen able to keep Phil from seeing someone who was so close to him, even if they were having issues with each other. that is unforgiveable. Who made the call that Phil couldn't be there?
The family made the request. It was their family member, not Anselmo's. They can invite whomever the hell they want.

I'm sure there will be a time for that. Right now you have to respect the wishes of the family. Let Anselmo stew for a while while he thinks about saying Dimebag deserved to be severly beaten.
coop said:
The family made the request. It was their family member, not Anselmo's. They can invite whomever the hell they want.

i agrree , since the family was unfortunately involved they have the final say if if people don't like it thats just bad luck , unfortunately .
coop said:
The family made the request. It was their family member, not Anselmo's. They can invite whomever the hell they want.

i agree , since the family was unfortunately involved they have the final say if people don't like it thats just bad luck , respect the wishes of the family first . everyone else comes second . they suffered the most . family comes first above everything else . would you not expect anything less if you were in this position ( i sincerely hope no-one goes through this with all due respect )
iron_maiden said:
i agree , since the family was unfortunately involved they have the final say if people don't like it thats just bad luck , respect the wishes of the family first . everyone else comes second . they suffered the most . family comes first above everything else . would you not expect anything less if you were in this position ( i sincerely hope no-one goes through this with all due respect )
my apologies for stuffing up the last post . been drinking to our fallen brother