Photos from Portland Testament/Vio-lence show posted


Apr 9, 2002
Seattle WA USA
Just a post to let you all know I have posted a review and photos of the Testament, Vio-lence, Exhumed, and Vehemence show in Portland on December 27th. Here are some samples, links to the full photo sets and review will follow.













Testament photos -
Vio-lence photos -
Exhumed photos -
Vehemence photos -

Review -
Testament, Vio-lence, Exhumed, and Vehemence - Portland 12/27/2002 Posted 1/3/2003 by Chris
Testament, Vio-lence, Exhumed, and Vehemence
December 27th, 2002 at Roseland Theater, Portland OR

When we set off for Portland the weather was pretty nasty here in Seattle with lots of rain and 60 MPH winds. I was worried that this would be a bad omen for what could be one of the best shows of the year. But with a shiny new rental car, turn by turn maps from Mapquest and 2 liters of pre-mixed Kamikazis (no, we were not drinking and driving) what could go wrong? Not much actually other than the map telling up to turn right to get to the hotel when we really needed to turn left. We settled into our hotel room at 6:30 MP, ordered some pizza and kicked back a few drinks to get ready for the show which, according to the tickets, was scheduled to begin at 9.

We showed up at the Roseland at 8:25 and within a few minutes of arriving Vehemence took the stage. Good thing I insisted on leaving early! Though their set was way too short the Arizona quintet put on a very tight performance, playing songs from their latest “God Was Created” and the debut “The Thoughts from Which I Hide”. I wondered if they would be able to play their music well in a live setting and was shown that they definitely could. John Chavez and Bjorn Dannov laid down some quality riffage, Andrew Schroeder (drums) and Mark Kozuback (bass) provided a strong rhythm and vocalist Nathan Gearhart belted out some great growls while prowling the stage like a caged animal. For an opener the sound was pretty good barring some minor issues with the backing vocals during “She Never Noticed Me”. The only complaint I had was the short set length, hopefully I can see these guys play a full set some time.

Vehemence set list:
Kill for God
You Don’t Have to Be Afraid Anymore
She Never Noticed Me
God Was Created
Whore Cunt Die
Thanks for the excellent pictures, and we are glad you arrived to the show early. We thought we were going to get stuck in the snow storms before reaching the venue, Ben from Desolation called me up and we gave him the info that we would be at the club shortly and it was a succesful trip from San Fran! The pictures came out in very good quality which makes me question what kind of camera/film did you use? I didnt realize there was a minor issue with Mark's backing vocals..althought I do wear earplugs so I only hear what Jason and I are playing. We hope to come back to OR/WA soon possibly playing a longer set!