Pic of Your Gear


A Dead Sun Serenity
Aug 24, 2002
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No, not your penis or tits, I mean your guitar, drumset, or whatever it is that you play. Also, feel free to discuss settings and set up in this thread.
Too much. Various models of USA and Custom shop BC Richs,(4 warlocks, 1 Bich 10 string,1 stealth, 1 mockingbird 7 string,1 old strat copy,2 older gunslingers) couple Jackson Kelly's, a washburn 12 string, Mesa, road king, tri axis, strategy 500 4 4x12 cabs,1 Rivera sub, eventide, bbe, lexicon,nady digital wirelesses, etc. Decent Carvin PA,sonic subs, couple mics and stands, and a nice bong. Working on getting a decent recording set up.

i've got... a pearl drum kit, a fender strat, an epiphone acoustic guitat, a cordoba classical guitar, a sucky amp, and i almost had a scheter 7-string

(i still don't know what's happening with that)
alas no pics but I have an Ibanez S370, a B.C. RICH Platinum BICH, an old Ibanez GIO, a Magnum acoustic piece o' shit, a Marshall MG50DFX amp, Crybaby 95Q wah-wah and a boss MT-2 Metal Zone \m/. Oh yeah and a standard marshall foot-switch and a Zoom 505II effects pedal which I fucked by stomping on.
Reverand Joint Smoker said:
Too much. Various models of USA and Custom shop BC Richs,(4 warlocks, 1 Bich 10 string,1 stealth, 1 mockingbird 7 string,1 old strat copy,2 older gunslingers) couple Jackson Kelly's, a washburn 12 string, Mesa, road king, tri axis, strategy 500 4 4x12 cabs,1 Rivera sub, eventide, bbe, lexicon,nady digital wirelesses, etc. Decent Carvin PA,sonic subs, couple mics and stands, and a nice bong. Working on getting a decent recording set up.
*grumbles* I had 1 Warlock but I had to sell it when times got tough ...not that I could ever play worth a damn. Now I just have my first guitar I bought years ago, an old fender acoustic that sits and collects dust, no picture though.
I'll post a picture of my stuff when I get back to my other home tomorrow, and maybe a video of me playing it.



share the wealth buddy :D
NicodemiX said:
I'll post a picture of my stuff when I get back to my other home tomorrow, and maybe a video of me playing it.



share the wealth buddy :D
15 years of collecting stuff, I suffer from G.A.S. Guitar acquisition syndrome. Better than wasting money in the bar, or on drugs. I spent all my money on guitars,amps,boats and a house, the rest I just wasted.
love guitars.
and i love this Tomi Iommi's one as well.

Dead_Lioness said:
love guitars.
and i love this Tomi Iommi's one as well.


I love you...

although if i ever bought that guitar i would flip the pickups and remove the picguard... and restring it so that it was a righty - thereby making the crosses upside down and undeniably satanic. :D

Um - as for my gear ...

I've got my ibanez 3120dr my esp f-200 and a couple of acoustics running around. I've also got a 5150 combo amp and a full peavey t212 p.a. system for live stuff. We have a drum kit, but i don't play drums so i never play it :smug: lol

I really want to add a 7 string to my collection (replace want with need) - I'm thinkin about that schecter... it looks pretty sweet.

Pics coming soon.
hahah i feel bad for you though, i don't think you'll ever be able to post a picture of yourself on this board without multiple people drooling.....
Except for maybe that manowar picture haha
Wolftribe said:
hahah i feel bad for you though, i don't think you'll ever be able to post a picture of yourself on this board without multiple people drooling.....
Except for maybe that manowar picture haha

I didn't drool you focker - i was commenting on the guitar :lol:

nice avvy... "I AM A BANANA!"...
FretsAflame said:
I really want to add a 7 string to my collection (replace want with need) - I'm thinkin about that schecter... it looks pretty sweet.
Pics coming soon.

Dude, I just found out last night that Ibanez has a prestige series 7-string, since you like that brand, you might want to check it out. I still like my Schecter of course, (and looks cooler too) since the floyd on the Ibanez would undoubtably cause me no end of grief. (Although I do plan on buying a floyd equipped seven string one day, I'll probobly be looking at the universe or a John Petrucci model then :D )