Pickup Impulses (Fake Pickups)


Oct 26, 2009
Hoping this is the correct place to put this, since I've seen lots of stuff about impulses/shootouts in production tips before.

Anyways, in the Equipment sub forum, there was a thread talking about a Pickup Impulse.. Didn't believe it until I tried it out.. Here's what I got:

Carvin DC747 (BK Painkillers)----->Profire 2626---> DI:

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4985090/TopicQuestion/FAKE EMG/CARVIN DI-03-.mp3

Carvin DC747 (BK Painkillers)--->Profire---->DI--->EMG 81 Impluse:

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4985090/TopicQuestion/FAKE EMG/FAKE EMG 81 DI-03-.mp3

Carvin DC747 (BK Painkillers)----->Profire 2626---> DI--->ENGL Savage---SM57:

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4985090/TopicQuestion/FAKE EMG/CARVINAMP-03--03-.mp3

Carvin DC747 (BK Painkillers)--->Profire---->DI--->EMG 81 Impluse---ENGL Savage----SM57:

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/4985090/TopicQuestion/FAKE EMG/EMGAMP-03--03-.mp3

Sounds pretty cool to me! Definitely a big difference.

Sorry for the out of tune playing, one take/no tuning.


Also, sorry for the random pops. Forgot to crossfade some shit.
Pointless, its going to sound different depending on the input source cause every pickup has a different voltage & impedence. While it does color the tone I find it sounds NOTHING like an EMG 81.

Sounds pretty similar to an 81 to me...
where did you find the pickup impulses!?
i am just wondering how to create a pup impulse...how do!? ¯\(°_o)/¯
Somebody post an actual clip of EMG 81's then, maybe the ones I've worked with weren't 81s.
I posted that thread. The thing here is that I don't say it sounds like an EMG81. And is obviously that in each guitar, with different pickups, it will sound different. I say that I like the character that it gives to my sound and that I'm using it since a few years ago. Just it. I post it to share it to all of you at the forum, to share your thoughts about it too.
reamped fake emg sounds like tubescreamer with tone at 11 + a treble booster before the amp

For me the DI's more sound like the difference of old ass strings and fresh strings tbh
I use it with the impulse loaded in SIR2 first in the chain. Guys, no need to be ironic, I didn't invent anything. A long time ago a guy intended to creat an emg81 pickup impulse. I tried it and I liked it. Just it.
NSGUITAR posted a sound that is really bad, I agree with Mago "reamped fake emg sounds like tubescreamer with tone at 11 + a treble booster before the amp" but the NSGUITAR sound is bad itself, not the EMG81 IR. I will upload a guitar sound using it soon.
NSGUITAR posted a sound that is really bad, I agree with Mago "reamped fake emg sounds like tubescreamer with tone at 11 + a treble booster before the amp" but the NSGUITAR sound is bad itself, not the EMG81 IR. I will upload a guitar sound using it soon.


I'd seriously love to hear other DI's because if that's a "bad" DI, then I need to change my setup.
So, since my DI's apparently sound like shit, maybe you guys can tell me why.....

My setup is:


Monster Cable

Profire 2626 with -20dB pad pulled so it doesn't clip

firewire, straight into my computer..

Could it have anything to do with pulling the -20? I don't think that affects tone..
If you wanna use pick-up impulses, you oughta first get somesort of anti-impulses for the pups that are in your guitar to cancel out the coloring they already have done. That is, if one intends to emulate the sound of real pups with this trick. Antares used to have a microphone-modeller that did this.
Bro what you need is a dedicated d.i. box. Just buy a j48 or a countryman type 85 and be done with it. Or one of those little lab's redeye's that's also a reamping box :). would probably help your di's a lot

Ok I'll do that.

Why does it not affect my amp tone then? I've never had a problem with my guitar tones, or is this one of those "Don't know what you've been missing till you try" situations?