Pictures of the keyboardist


New Metal Member
Nov 30, 2005
Are there any more pictures of the keyboardist? Ones where we actually see her face...

Here's one...


+ For those who don't know, besides Woods of Ypres and a day job, Jessica is also a fashion designer and she's recently started up her own design and manufacturing label called "Corpse Knit" clothing, making cool Gothic wares. I know she's been busy working her heart out on it for months now, so she'll probably have some news to update about it soon!
FYI - Dan Hulse, Jessica and I just did promo photos for "Woods 3" this past weekend in mid-Northern Ontario with the great, Canadian, Mark Coatsworth ( Check out this fucking guys' new site - > ...PS...I'm hidden on there somewhere!)!

We went to shoot at four locations: in a green and brown 'Lord of the Rings-ish' Ontario Forest (in the morning), on the very cold and frozen 'Lake Simcoe' (in the afternoon, which look very misty, and Enslaved-esque), on a green field at the edge of a forest, in front of a deep blue sky (at dusk) and lastly inside a cottage (at night), drinking steins.

I will say that the results we got are awesome! Mark never ceases to amaze us with both his brilliant camera work and also his easy going coolness as an overall good human being! There were lots of photos to go through...Mark and I started going though them late last night over some delicious steins (burp!)...but we will post some samples soon!

btw - We look like a 'metal' band. Spread the word. :)