Picturesque Mind-Trip Sleep Hibernation


New Metal Member
Dec 28, 2003
Picturesque Mind-Trip Sleep Hibernation
By: Mark R. Sosa
Death’s Door @
Copyright 2004

“Nightmares Of The Damned”

Impounded intellect configuration
An exercise wheel of ebony stained rats
Routinely urinating salvation’s dementia
To saturate Luciferic minds of bottomless perdition
Altering a once pacifistic undiluted oxygen spirit
Now delving into an individuality of
A sunless unsheltered outcast revolution

8 hour picturesque mind-trip sleep hibernation
Of naked howling female necrophilia tribal musicians
Covered with flesh paint of goat’s virginal blood crystals
Their inexpressible 1st degree burnt skin reality
All causalities of Lucifer’s soul mutilating death rotisserie
Gooey fresh corpse semen deposits form from
Numerous hours of illicit sexual fornication
As to identify their present day fleshly perspiration

Burning furnace coals accentuate the neck choker
That impairs the larynx to broadcast
A dialect of reversing self and humankind denunciation
Pupils like that of nocturnal stain glassed windows
Depriving all realms of ethereal resuscitation

Black metal frontline proficient master hatchet men
Issue remorselessly their damnation death certificates
To traitors of Golgotha’s costless inheritance
An inhabited interrelationship with The Bread of Life
Succumbing to a terminated life cycle now spiritually extinct
Eroding underneath in a cold dirt storage box
Smirking Grim Reaper testifies again
One more chain gang lifer for the Beast

Now the killjoy legions retreat in blasphemous elation
Using adversaries decomposing gutted out torsos
As terrain graph master blueprints
To faultlessly pinpoint their appointed guerilla asylums
Within the inside position of the upper atmosphere
Hitler’s cold cadaver meat is spiraling
In the most mind derailing timed sequence signatures
Reverberating echoes of infernal back masking Morse code
Of wanton Heaven less depletion
Fuhrer’s spine pretzeled into that of an
Illuminating bone enhanced swastika

Wiccan monks convulsing from
Self liver, pancreas, and kidney organ dissection
Large intestines protruding and squirming about
For their sector X position on the Ouija board
A purest voodoo doll occultic offering
To beckon the black metal reigning god
A super-colossal voltaic Venus flytrap
Stationary in its maximum
Inland aquatic bathing electrocution lagoon
Its tentacles used for spiritual de-virgination
An upside down cross syndicate liquidation

A white silver shaded mental sensing arouses
This mind trip hibernating unconscious state
To originate again back in real world carnality
Black ice and blood lions are your soul’s karma
A freewheeling destiny of tribulation’s hallucinations
Irrevocable infinity