Pink Floyd solo albums

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
What I'm talking about here is all the albums that were done by Pink Floyd members on their own. The only one I own is Dave Gilmour's About Face and it's a pretty good 80's rock album. I find Murder to be the standout track on that album.

What are the best ones you've heard from them?
Gilmour had a record before About Face that was self-titled, but it wasn't as good as About Face. The best track on it was called "There's No Way Out Of Here." Also, his newest release 'On An Island' is alright; very atmospheric, but boring at times.

However, I find Roger Waters's solo career to be more interesting and productive. His first solo record, The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking, was very good, and very Floydian. It also had Clapton playing lead guitar!

His next release, Radio KAOS, was good, but very 80s. Still, it had some great tracks, like "Home" and "The Tide is Turning."

His last solo rock release was called Amused to Death, and it's one of my favorite records of all time. The whole thing is a concept album about how modern society has "amused itself to death." The whole album is great, but some standout songs are the title track, "It's a Miracle," "Watching TV" and "The Bravery of Being Out of Range." The record also has Jeff Beck playing lead guitar.

Most recently, Waters released a solo record called Ca Ira (There is Hope). It's a completely symphonic concept album, opera style, about the French Revolution. If you like classical music and opera, you'll like the album. But it's not typical Floyd/Waters stuff.

Pink Floyd is my favorite classic rock group, so I try and collect all that I can of their stuff. They were an amazing group, and all of them were great musicians. However, if you're looking for solo stuff, I'd recommend Waters over Gilmour. Give it a listen!
I had Gilmour's s/t album and it was pretty good but I don't like instrumentals so I gave it away.

I have Roger Waters' the Pros and Cons of Hitch-hiking. Eric Clapton on guitar. Pretty awesome although I think I've only listened to it a few times. Sexual Revolution is an amazing song. Great album cover too. Also heard the song Leaving Beirut live and it kicked ass. Dunno if he's put that out an album yet or not.

Syd Barrett's solo stuff is pretty sweet from what I've heard.
I also recently got a hold of Rick Wright's solo stuff. I dled his album "Wet Dream" (yeah I know lol), but he also has a more recent one called "Broken China". I dunno if "Broken China" is any good but "Wet Dream" is awesome...I've always been a big fan of what Wright could do on the keys and this is no exception, cuz he's got some catchy stuff on there.
Wright was always such a great composer and writer of catchy, melodic little tunes. It's too bad Waters discarded him completely towards the end of his stay with the Floyd.

And I've actually heard nothing of Barrett's solo career. I was never a big fan of Floyd w/ Barrett; it sounds too immature and childlike. Which was part of the genius of it, some people say. But I prefer the mature, intellectual Floyd that came primarily with Meddle and after.
Wright was always such a great composer and writer of catchy, melodic little tunes. It's too bad Waters discarded him completely towards the end of his stay with the Floyd.

And I've actually heard nothing of Barrett's solo career. I was never a big fan of Floyd w/ Barrett; it sounds too immature and childlike. Which was part of the genius of it, some people say. But I prefer the mature, intellectual Floyd that came primarily with Meddle and after.

Yeah, basically all the production was done by Gilmour and Waters though, so it doesn't sound all like his early stuff with Floyd. Also one of the songs he did was a poem by James Joyce called Golden Hair...pretty good stuff, not very typical of him.
The Madcap Laughs is the only Floyd solo album I've heard and it is pretty insane. You can literally hear that he was losing it during the recording.
I have the Mad Caps on pink vinyl... anyways throughout Floyd's career you notice that the songs that stand out more are written by or cowritten by Gilmour? ... I have always preferred Gilmour over Waters...

As for Gilmour's recent album being "atmospheric". Go figure... a floyd member making a atmospheric album... you wouldn't of think they would lol ...
Gilmour was the musical genius, Waters was the lyrical genius. Gilmour had a few good ones which he wrote the words to, but on the whole his lyrics are vague and not very clever.

I love both those guys, but they were two parts of a large songwriting whole. Personally, I think Waters's songs stand out more. He was a poet.

And if you listen to Gilmour's first two solo records, they're not very atmospheric but more blues/rock oriented. So that's why I made that statement.
Gilmour was the musical genius, Waters was the lyrical genius. Gilmour had a few good ones which he wrote the words to, but on the whole his lyrics are vague and not very clever.

I love both those guys, but they were two parts of a large songwriting whole. Personally, I think Waters's songs stand out more. He was a poet.

And if you listen to Gilmour's first two solo records, they're not very atmospheric but more blues/rock oriented. So that's why I made that statement.
