Pioneer of heavy metal dies at age 61, R.I.P. Dickie Peterson(Blue Cheer)


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Dickie Peterson, the bassist/vocalist and founding member of BLUE CHEER, passed away this morning (Monday, October 12) at 5 a.m. in Germany. He was 61 years old.

BLUE CHEER was an American blues-rock band that initially performed and recorded in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and has been sporadically active since. Based in San Francisco, BLUE CHEER played in a psychedelic blues-rock style, and was also credited for pioneering heavy metal (their cover of "Summertime Blues" is sometimes cited as the first in the genre), punk rock, stoner rock, doom metal and grunge.

Throughout his life, Peterson's relationship to music has been all-consuming. He was quoted as saying, "I've been married twice, I've had numerous girlfriends, and they'll all tell you that if I'm not playing music I am an animal to live with. . . Music is a place where I get to deal with a lot of my emotion and displaced energy. I always only wanted to play music, and that's all I still want to do."

Despite the fact that BLUE CHEER was considered a pioneer in many different genres, Peterson downplayed the band's influence, stating in an interview, "People keep trying to say that we're heavy metal or grunge or punk, or we're this or that. The reality is we're just a power trio and we play ultra-blues, and it's rock 'n' roll. It's really simple what we do."

Peterson spent much of the past two decades based in Germany, performing with BLUE CHEER and with other groups as well. In 1998 and 1999, he played a number of dates in Germany with the HANK DAVISON BAND and as an acoustic duo with Hank Davison under the banner DOS HOMBRES.

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dude it sucks that he died but i hate to burst your bubble. blue cheer did not pioneer heavy metal. it was black sabbath. blue cheer didnt use the devils note. sabbath was the first
dude it sucks that he died but i hate to burst your bubble. blue cheer did not pioneer heavy metal. it was black sabbath. blue cheer didnt use the devils note. sabbath was the first

Just quoting the article, Dude. And this is not to start a debate on who did or didn't, it is a celebration of Dickie's life and to pass on condoleances
Yeah - They were the first band to grow their hair REALLY long. That vid was before that happened. "Summertime Blues" was awesome!! I love the toms and and Hendrix-esque guitar!!

And to the idiot that said Sabbath preceded Blue Cheer - you obviously weren't there.

RIP Dickie.

Chris :rock:
Some 'em live a couple of years ago and they rocked, got to meet Dickie after the show even, very sad. Those guys lived as hard as Motorhead, so even if their music was very tertiary in the formation of metal (arguable, I know - I still consider Sabbath the first true metal band), their on-the-road antics were 100% metal!