Pirate Metal.... apparently

I'm not gonna lie...it's fun to listen to and is a change. I like the pirate theme alot. "Temptress" is a good one.

It reminds me a whole lot of Dethklok, who's "debut" CD is coming out September 25th!!! mwahhahaha
Uhh, Battleheart? They're on Ultimate metal.
yes, but they're terrible, and gavin comes off as an arrogant prick.

Has it really taken these many posts into this thread to mention the *original* Pirate Metal band?

Running Wild, bitches: http://www.myspace.com/runningwild666
yeah, but running wild suck too. one of the worst live shows ever. next to saxon. And accept. and freedom call.

Running Wild beats all the rest
not really saying much with that statement. running wild also beats a kick in the nuts, but i don't want to experience either of them anymore than i have to.