Pirates in Africa!


and his imaginary friend
Mar 4, 2005
Okay. This is a completely off topic thread, but has anybody heard about this? MODERN DAY PIRATES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apparently, some people in Africa decided to try and hijack a luxary cruise line with 150 passengers, all either American, European, and/ or Australian on board, 100 miles off the coast of Somalia. The ship escaped by diverting to full speed and changing course.
There's much more to it, but I don't know that much.
ptah knemu said:
Okay. This is a completely off topic thread, but has anybody heard about this? MODERN DAY PIRATES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apparently, some people in Africa decided to try and hijack a luxary cruise line with 150 passengers, all either American, European, and/ or Australian on board, 100 miles off the coast of Somalia. The ship escaped by diverting to full speed and changing course.
There's much more to it, but I don't know that much.

Actually, they used a sonic blaster thing. (I'm not making this up.) It was developed for use in controlling riots. It looks like a satellite dish. You aim it at your target and it blows them to their feet.
man, there have been pirates in the waters around southeast asia for decades...i didn't know they had them off the coast of africa. pirates used to be cool, with swords and stuff...now they suck...boo pirates...boo-urns indeed.
If they don't say "Arg", i would gladly take the time to fly to Africa to beat the shit out of them with my B.C. Rich Warlock. "Arg" id the ultimate Pirate statement.

EDIT: Yarrg instad of Arg
ptah knemu said:
"Arg" is the ultimate Pirate statement.

Um, I'm sorry, but the vernacular is:

"'Arg', the ultimate pirate statement, be."


There are pirates in Asian, Indian, Arabian, Mediterranean, Gulf (that's US Gulf, people), and South American waters.
Wherever there are lots of boats moving something of value, there will be someone there to take advantage of them.
Ahh. Sorry. My Pirate's been a little off lately.

That's really fuuny, U.S. Gulf!! It's funny, because it's true!
That would be funny, if Maddox did stuff just to have something to rant about on his webside.
There aren't too many of them out there. But some of his opinions do piss me off.
ptah knemu said:
There aren't too many of them out there. But some of his opinions do piss me off.

Given that it's satire, if you construe his opinions in a way that offends you, you've misunderstood what he has said. Unless of course you are saying that you get annoyed when people don't share your opinion on something...

Fact of the matter is that Pirates say whatever they like - they are Pirates!